steveicarus / iverilog

Icarus Verilog
GNU General Public License v2.0
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SystemVerilog immediate assertion statement #193

Closed feddischson closed 4 years ago

feddischson commented 6 years ago


it would be greate to have SystemVerilog's immediate assertion statements working in iverilog. The following example respondes sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.

module assertion_example;
integer i;
initial begin
  integer i;
  assert( 1==1 ) else
    $display( "something went wrong");

Icarus Verilog version 11.0 (devel) (s20150603-536-gca013857)

jopdorp commented 5 years ago

This would be great for testing!

byllgrim commented 4 years ago

Would this be much work to implement?

Asserts seem superficially similar to if-statements, so maybe one can learn from how if-statements are implemented and it ain't so hard?

I don't have loads of free time on my hands, but it would be nice to document some clues in this thread and maybe I or someone else looks at it?

martinwhitaker commented 4 years ago

It shouldn't be much work. The hard parts are already done - supporting it in the parser and implementing the $error system call. For the rest, it's really just an if test with the true and false clauses swapped, so we can use existing code in the compiler for that.

I'll look at implementing this soon.

martinwhitaker commented 4 years ago

Procedural immediate assertion statements are now supported in the master branch. $assertcontrol is not supported, but you can globally disable assertions at compile time using the -gno-assertions compiler option.

assert and assume statements should work as expected. cover statements are parsed but otherwise ignored.

jopdorp commented 4 years ago

@martinwhitaker I tried this on the master branch. I compiled it from mingw64

$ iverilog -gno-assertions -o example.vvp error: Enable of unknown task ``assert''. error: Enable of unknown task ``assert''.
2 error(s) during elaboration.

this is the module code:

module not_n2t_tb(); reg in; reg expected; wire out;

not_n2t gate1(in, out);

initial begin
    in = 1'b0;
    #1 assert (out == ~in);
    #1 in = 1'b1;
    #1 assert (out == ~in);


martinwhitaker commented 4 years ago

@jopdorp, assertions are a SystemVerilog feature. Try adding -g2012 to the compiler command line.

jopdorp commented 4 years ago

that worked! thanks so much for the tip! I didn't know that there was a commandline argument that has to be passed for enabling the supported SystemVerilog features.

This is great for my repo I'm porting the nant2tetris chip design course to verilog and have been using system verilog assert statements for the tests. Until now I've been using the model sim simulator, but from the stat I've wanted to use icarus iverilog, because it's open source, and that's awesome!

I'll be u[dating the readme :D

Johnlon commented 4 years ago

I have checked out the git repo and built it and running with -g2012 but still getting "Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented." Any clues?

martinwhitaker commented 4 years ago


  1. Make sure you are building from the master branch, not the v10 branch.
  2. Make sure you are running the version of the compiler you built, not an older version. 'iverilog -v' will report exactly what is being run.
mcandre commented 2 years ago

Which git commit hash has this fix?

Which release tag has this fix?

caryr commented 2 years ago

If you want the most functionality you really want to be using the development branch. Because of the test suite we have it is usually stable and has all the latest functionality.

mcandre commented 2 years ago

Yes, but in the documentation for my applications I would like to be able to tell my contributors, grab X version of iverilog in order to work on this project. For now, all I could hand them is a generic git hash.

Is there a milestone, a list of specific issues to resolve before the next release version will be tagged?

Johnlon commented 2 years ago

I record the latest git hash that I've seen work on my project.

On Tue, 28 Sep 2021, 9:50 pm Andrew, @.***> wrote:

Yes, but in the documentation for my applications I would like to be able to tell my contributors, grab X version of iverilog in order to work on this project. For now, all I could hand them is a generic git hash.

Is there a milestone, a list of specific issues to resolve before the next release version will be tagged?

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toolness commented 6 months ago

FWIW, this feature seems to be in version 12.0 stable as of today!

However, I can't seem to arrive at a situation where iverilog understands the assertions and vvp runs the assertions along with dumping a VCD file. When I pass -g2012 into iverilog, it works fine, but when I run vvp, I get this:

VCD warning: $dumpvars: Package ($unit) is not dumpable with VCD.

In contrast, if I run iverilog without -g2012, it doesn't understand the assert statements--then if I remove those, everything works and vvp outputs a VCD, but I get no assertions.

This is a bummer, since ideally I'd like both; if the assertions fail, I want to be able to inspect the VCD using GTKWave to debug and figure out what's amiss.

martinwhitaker commented 6 months ago

@toolness , that's only a warning. It will still output a VCD file, and you will be able to inspect the contents of modules. If you need to inspect the contents of packages as well, use the FST file format instead of VCD.

toolness commented 6 months ago

Ah, you're right, thanks!

Unfortunately I am too much of a noob to know what the difference between a package and a module is at the moment, but it is indeed outputting the VCD file despite the warning, with all the signals I'm interested in.

FWIW, I did also briefly try using FST (which required passing -fst to vvp) but I couldn't figure out how to make GTKWave open it will all the signals in view (the advice here seems to only work for VCD files), so I guess I'll just stick with VCD for now.