steven-king / 660-storytelling-vr

This course will introduce students to emerging technologies used in storytelling from Virtual Reality headsets, to 360 Video to Robots. Students will have the opportunity to learn and work with the latest VR hardware including the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.
6 stars 1 forks source link

Stage 1 Submissions #18

Open steven-king opened 7 years ago

steven-king commented 7 years ago

Plese post links to and a brief description of where you are on your project as a comment below.

Graydorsett commented 7 years ago

Nighttearer (name possibly changing)

pawilson commented 7 years ago

artboard 1 artboard 2 artboard 3

kwboyd commented 7 years ago

Freaky Friday: Completed: -Have a demo of selecting a scene by looking at an object in Unity. -Have a script for scene as police officer and as civilian. -Have responses from several experts and are setting up times to connect with them. Next steps: -Troubleshooting why the demo doesn't work yet on Oculus and what broke the Steam VR plugin in my Unity program -Finding an actor for the civilian role

sjyan commented 7 years ago

Arrested Development

A morally challenging situation played out in VR


Resporitory for our unity project: Script:

YongweiZ commented 7 years ago

Completed: -Had a start menu with two modes that players can choose from (currently a prototype, interface will change) -Had the script with the functionality that leads to the next scene when the calculator mode button is clicked (we want to start with the calculator mode first) -Had a list of questions related to various environmental topics that we want to ask in the calculator mode ( second page)

Next Step: -Design the room for the calculator to hover in -Figure out how to implement the correct math in the calculator -Gather stats information -Figure out how to make the calculator interactive so that the user can manipulate the slider in the VR environment -testing the concept with potential users using prototype and get feedback