Open steven-king opened 9 years ago
2) Midwife/ Nurse 7) Secret Men 3) Health Facility 5) Champiti Youth
Male Midwife/Nurse Secret Men Champti Youth Club Pregnant Woman 1 Community Action Group Member
Gary Kirk Broadcast Engineer University of North Carolina School of Journalism & Mass Communications 117 Carroll Hall Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Room # 247 Campus Box # 3365 919-824-3013
From: Steven King<> Reply-To: steven-king/j584<> Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 12:36 PM To: steven-king/j584<> Subject: [j584] TOD: Story Assigments (#20)
1) Midwife/Nurse 4) VSLA Group Member 5) Champti Youth Club 9) New Mother
Although I am writing stories, I would love to also help with the infographics where it is needed.
On Wednesday, February 25, 2015, Steven King wrote:
Team, I am worried we will not be able to meet tomorrow because of the snow but I need to get these assigned. Here is the list that was given to the photographers. Each Designer/Developer will need to do 3 or 4 infographics including those not going on the trip. Each writer will need to do 4 short stories.
Since I doubt we will meet in class please post a comment with the story number and tittle (ex. 4. VSLA Group Member) for the 3 or 4 infographics you are committing to. We can decide later what type of graphic to do.
Please reply ASAP. I need to get stuff to CARE on Thursday.
1) Midwife/Nurse
Victor Gandali-Kasinje (M), 26
Male midwife (in a profession dominated by women). Service provider at health facility. (We should be careful with jargon and acronyms!)
"I have a passion to make a difference."
Activities: Patient care, patient interactions, etc.
Could also film wider health facility story.
Site: Kasinje, 1.5 hours
2) Midwife/Nurse
Mrs. Muliya, aka Monica Bottoman, 23
Challenge: overburdened with work and under resourced at health facility. Sometimes she attends to more than 100 clients. Working in a community where people previously complained of poor reception of expecting mothers.
Activities: Patient care, patient interactions, etc.
Could also film wider health facility story.
Site: Nsiyaludzu, 30 minutes
3) Health Facility - CARE's intervention facility, Kasinje
The facility is operating in one of the most densely populated areas in the district.Fertility rate is very high coupled with early pregnancies and family planning challenges. Since the catchment area is vast, most communities are far from the facility 25KM away making it difficult for clients to travel to the facility where some times they are sent back due to lack of FP services. Such communities are in need of MNH outreach services however such services are not available to them due to lack transport and staff shortage at facility level.
Busy, active facility - lots of patients and services being provided. Post-interface monitoring and improvement activities (result of CSC process). Kasinje Interface Meeting
Site: Kasinje, 1.5 hours
4) VSLA Group Member
Bibiana Leo, (f), 53
She was concerned with lack of women empowerment, most women depended on the husbands for support which affected their self esteem since they lacked income generating activities. As a person she has experienced too many, too frequent deliveries. She has had 10 deliveries, with 2 multiple deliveries making 12 kids. 5 of her children died under five due to malnutrition as the family could not afford to support them. Going through this experience motivated her to be an MNH activist to try to support other women so that they do not experience what she went through. She went the new generation to know the Importance of Family planning
Activities: Home visits for pregnant mothers and new mothers, facilitating community sensitization meetings, VSL meeting, CAG exuctive meeting, data storage
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
5) Champti Youth Club
Enelesi MacNeal / Kennedy Imedi
Kennedy Imedi & Enelesi are both in Champiti, and both would be great characters. The students can talk to both on first days, and decide who to follow more intensly
Activities: Youth club meeting, follow day-to-day, see engagement with community
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
6) Health Surveillance Assistant 2
Willings Longwe, (m), 39
Strongest HS.A Character, the team has been working with Longwe to set up a visitation schedule for the week so their will be activities
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
7) Secret Men/Father 1
Sinosi Simenti, "old man"
He works on voluntary basis and walks on foot long distances to make door to door visits providing MNH counseling including birth preparedness planning etc to HH. This initiative started because male involvement on MNH issues was poor so these men saw the gap and volunteered to fit in as motivators.
Mr Sinosi is an old man and very much involved in encouraging male involvement in MNH, he is a reputable male motivator
Activities: Home visits, meet with other secret men
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
8) Pregnant Woman 1
Linley Mwandere, 32, married mother
Potential father involvement. Paticipates in CARE meetings.
Activities: Doing an ANC visit at facility, preparing for baby's arrival/family life, maybe will have child while students in Malawi
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
9) New Mother
Martha Elias, 18, single
Single, teenage mother. She dropped out of primary school. She is a young mother, with no income generating activity to support her child.
Activities: CARE meetings. Mother duties.
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
10) New Mother
Chisomo Peter - She is a teen mother who has been approached by MHAP volunteers on MNH issues and her future
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
11) Official/District Leadership
1 - Madaitso Mmanga, (m), 31, District Health Management Officer
Mmanga: Most of the maternal deaths occurred in hard to reach areas, whereby when it happens HSAs need to visit the community to investigate the events surrounding the death, but as a person working in a constaraineed resource deaprtment, the HSAs lack transport or fuel to target all the communities which also affect the departmental perfomance, most communities tsill find it difficult to access MNH services even at community level because most of these HSAs lack the knowledge and skills
Mmanga: My work involves community mobilisation and since this project targets communities am always involved.In addition Iam the focal person of this project and also my passion to improve public health at community level so this project gives me the oppportunity to reach out to more communities
Activities: Community Score Card Interface meeting; visitng facilities and the communities, interacting with community leaders.
Site: All sites
12) Community Action Group Member
Lucy Liwambano, (f), 54
CAG Chair, leading the group in mobilising the communities in CARE meetings, sensitizing them in MNH, Participate in CARE meetings
This is a Chair person for a CAG that mobilised themselves to construct a village clinic (
Site: Chigodi 1.5 hours
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Justina A. Vasquez University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Class of 2017 B.A. Journalism and Mass Communication, Reporting
9) new mother 4) VSLA Group Member 5) Youth Club 8) Pregnant Woman
Team, I am worried we will not be able to meet tomorrow because of the snow but I need to get these assigned. Here is the list that was given to the photographers. Each Designer/Developer will need to do 3 or 4 infographics including those not going on the trip. Each writer will need to do 4 short stories.
Since I doubt we will meet in class please post a comment with the story number and tittle (ex. 4. VSLA Group Member) for the 3 or 4 infographics you are committing to. We can decide later what type of graphic to do.
Please reply ASAP. I need to get stuff to CARE on Thursday.
1) Midwife/Nurse
Victor Gandali-Kasinje (M), 26
Male midwife (in a profession dominated by women). Service provider at health facility. (We should be careful with jargon and acronyms!)
"I have a passion to make a difference."
Activities: Patient care, patient interactions, etc.
Could also film wider health facility story.
Site: Kasinje, 1.5 hours
2) Midwife/Nurse
Mrs. Muliya, aka Monica Bottoman, 23
Challenge: overburdened with work and under resourced at health facility. Sometimes she attends to more than 100 clients. Working in a community where people previously complained of poor reception of expecting mothers.
Activities: Patient care, patient interactions, etc.
Could also film wider health facility story.
Site: Nsiyaludzu, 30 minutes
3) Health Facility - CARE's intervention facility, Kasinje
The facility is operating in one of the most densely populated areas in the district.Fertility rate is very high coupled with early pregnancies and family planning challenges. Since the catchment area is vast, most communities are far from the facility 25KM away making it difficult for clients to travel to the facility where some times they are sent back due to lack of FP services. Such communities are in need of MNH outreach services however such services are not available to them due to lack transport and staff shortage at facility level.
Busy, active facility - lots of patients and services being provided. Post-interface monitoring and improvement activities (result of CSC process). Kasinje Interface Meeting
Site: Kasinje, 1.5 hours
4) VSLA Group Member
Bibiana Leo, (f), 53
She was concerned with lack of women empowerment, most women depended on the husbands for support which affected their self esteem since they lacked income generating activities. As a person she has experienced too many, too frequent deliveries. She has had 10 deliveries, with 2 multiple deliveries making 12 kids. 5 of her children died under five due to malnutrition as the family could not afford to support them. Going through this experience motivated her to be an MNH activist to try to support other women so that they do not experience what she went through. She went the new generation to know the Importance of Family planning
Activities: Home visits for pregnant mothers and new mothers, facilitating community sensitization meetings, VSL meeting, CAG exuctive meeting, data storage
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
5) Champti Youth Club
Enelesi MacNeal / Kennedy Imedi
Kennedy Imedi & Enelesi are both in Champiti, and both would be great characters. The students can talk to both on first days, and decide who to follow more intensly
Activities: Youth club meeting, follow day-to-day, see engagement with community
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
6) Health Surveillance Assistant 2
Willings Longwe, (m), 39
Strongest HS.A Character, the team has been working with Longwe to set up a visitation schedule for the week so their will be activities
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
7) Secret Men/Father 1
Sinosi Simenti, "old man"
He works on voluntary basis and walks on foot long distances to make door to door visits providing MNH counseling including birth preparedness planning etc to HH. This initiative started because male involvement on MNH issues was poor so these men saw the gap and volunteered to fit in as motivators.
Mr Sinosi is an old man and very much involved in encouraging male involvement in MNH, he is a reputable male motivator
Activities: Home visits, meet with other secret men
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
8) Pregnant Woman 1
Linley Mwandere, 32, married mother
Potential father involvement. Paticipates in CARE meetings.
Activities: Doing an ANC visit at facility, preparing for baby's arrival/family life, maybe will have child while students in Malawi
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
9) New Mother
Martha Elias, 18, single
Single, teenage mother. She dropped out of primary school. She is a young mother, with no income generating activity to support her child.
Activities: CARE meetings. Mother duties.
Site: Nsipe, 30 minutes
10) New Mother
Chisomo Peter - She is a teen mother who has been approached by MHAP volunteers on MNH issues and her future
Site: Champiti, 30 minutes
11) Official/District Leadership
1 - Madaitso Mmanga, (m), 31, District Health Management Officer
Mmanga: Most of the maternal deaths occurred in hard to reach areas, whereby when it happens HSAs need to visit the community to investigate the events surrounding the death, but as a person working in a constaraineed resource deaprtment, the HSAs lack transport or fuel to target all the communities which also affect the departmental perfomance, most communities tsill find it difficult to access MNH services even at community level because most of these HSAs lack the knowledge and skills
Mmanga: My work involves community mobilisation and since this project targets communities am always involved.In addition Iam the focal person of this project and also my passion to improve public health at community level so this project gives me the oppportunity to reach out to more communities
Activities: Community Score Card Interface meeting; visitng facilities and the communities, interacting with community leaders.
Site: All sites
12) Community Action Group Member
Lucy Liwambano, (f), 54
CAG Chair, leading the group in mobilising the communities in CARE meetings, sensitizing them in MNH, Participate in CARE meetings
This is a Chair person for a CAG that mobilised themselves to construct a village clinic (
Site: Chigodi 1.5 hours