steven-king / mj588

MJ588 Emerging Technologies
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Exporting 360 for YouTube #6

Open alexisbarnes opened 6 years ago

alexisbarnes commented 6 years ago

After you finish editing...

  1. File —> Export —> Media (command M for Mac or control M for PC). If you try to export and "Media" is grayed out, make sure your sequence is selected.

  2. Export Settings:

    screen shot 2018-01-25 at 9 02 39 am

Format: H.264 and Preset: Match Source - High bitrate will work.

Then click on your file name next to "Output Name" and select where you would like the file to be saved. You can also change the name of the file.

Scroll down to the bottom of the second box and make sure "Video for VR" is checked and the "Frame Layout" is Monoscopic:

screen shot 2018-01-25 at 9 05 55 am

After the video is finished exporting, I would suggest checking to see how it looks in the GoPro VR player.

Then go to YouTube and upload the video. YouTube will read it as a 360 video, so your work is done. Just check to make sure the video is playing properly.

If you have any questions about stitching, editing or uploading and couldn't find your answer on the internet, email me or stop by my office in suite 46-49. I will post my contact info on another issue. But please research your question before coming to me. The best way to learn this is to try to figure it out yourself.

The cameras are back in the equipment room and should be ready for checkout today.

Good luck and have fun!!