stevengj / subsuper-proposal

Draft proposal for additional sub/superscript characters in Unicode
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Physics #5

Closed lambdafu closed 7 years ago

lambdafu commented 7 years ago

It might be worth mentioning physics, too. Close enough to math and programming, and obvious application. In fact, I found this github project because I was going to write my own proposal so I can type the name of elementary particles in Unicode (from the Standard Model, in particular the two other neutrinos \nu\mu and \nu\tau as well as the W^\plus and W^\minus boson). Do you think including physics would water down the proposal?

stevengj commented 7 years ago

In previous proposals for super/subscripts in Unicode, the objection was that people should just use HTML or some other formatting language for formatting, and hence there was no need to support this in Unicode.

I want to focus on programming (including computational physics, of course), because in programming languages using an external formatting system (like HTML or a word processor) is not possible.

miguelraz commented 6 years ago

Sorry to comment on a closed thread, but was redirected here after a comment by @jiahao on Julia slack.

I think there is a case to put forth with Unicode's impact on programming in computational physics in at least one respect: fully fledged Einstein Notation for tensors.

Infuriatingly, superscript and subscript for the same letter is needed. For starters, not all greek letters are availabe, which are used to denote 0:3, and latin letters are used to index 1:3. For example, in this link one can see that the greek letters delta, theta, iota have no subscript counterpart, whilst rho has no superscript counterpart. A crucial aspect of using indices in Einstein notation is "lowering" or "raising" them from super/subscripts to the other.

This proposal could at least homogenize such a capability, if not outright allow one to implement it in general.

In particular, heavy duty relativistic codes have run on legacy languages and have simply given up on usability. I think having super and subscripts available would be a great boon to the development, maintainability and, readability of gravitational codes specifically, and physics code in general as well.

stevengj commented 6 years ago

Yes, that falls under programming for computational science. Einstein notation is one of many, many notations where both greek and latin subscripts and superscripts are used extensively.

miguelraz commented 6 years ago

I thought we could use some more (prepared) used cases, hopefully I can keep adding/editing this comment as evidence piles.


  1. Vectors are indicated by an arrow above, Second rank tensors use a double arrow, higher order tensors use the index notation. [2, p,3]
  2. Neutrinos require the \mu and \tau subscripts [2, p.12]
  3. Nuclear configuration notation require several fractions as subscripts [2, p.14]
  4. The equals symbol with a tilde on top means 'corresponds to'
  5. The circumflex accent ( hat vector) can mean maximum, or minimum value, depending on where it points, whilst the squiggle tilde is used for the rms value. [2, p. 51]
  6. The universal constants of vacuum permittivity and permeability require a º symbol as a subscript. [2, p. 54]
  7. The Kronecker delta \delta^i_j, Levi-Civita symbol \epsilon_ij
  8. Special functions make extensive use of a a specified (n) derivative as superscript with respect to a parameter (m) usually denoted at the bottom. See Spherical Harmonics and functions with last names [4].


  1. \Deltavap*E{m,b} is the molar energy of vaporization. [1, p. 55]
  2. \eta_{inh} is the inherent viscosity - SI Unit m^3 kg ^-1
  3. Polymerization reactions require the need for the notation P_x + P_y -> P_{x+y} [1, p. 72]
  4. Units for degree of crystallinity are w_{c,h}
  5. Modulated smectic mesophases SmÃ, and SmC with a tilde, which can't be currently drawn. [1, p 112]
  6. Anisotropy in general requires the squiggle tilde on top of the quantity being referred to, see [1,p. 114]
  7. Stochiometric equations sometimes need to describe a molecule/atom as aqueous, with the "aq" subscript.


  1. Limit, max, min, and \Sigma, supremum, infimum, Unions, Intersections, and Multiplication notation have subscripts to delimit the set under consideration, or process.
  2. Derivatives up to order n (and not just 1-9), with the use of a parenthesis.
  3. Partial derivatives can be annotated as \delta_xx, and second partial derivatives may have a subscripted index number, as well as an exponent of 2.
  4. Specifying the neighbourhood of a topological ball - B_\epsilon
  5. The negative infinity sign is used as a subscript for integrals
  6. X with a caret (^) on top is used as an estimator of state X [3]
  7. ...Almost half the notation index of [4] can't be expressed without super/subscripts.
  8. The | bar when applied to a domain denotes with superscripts and subscripts the upper and lower bounds of evaluation - amongst many types of set restrictions.
  9. In Integral Equations, a degenerate kernel requires a sum over an index j=1<=n with functions \phi_j(x) and \psi*_j(x). [4, p. 556]

References. [1]. Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature IUPAC 2008 [2]. Symbols, Units, Nomenclature and Fundamental Constants in Physics, IUPAP - Commission C2 SUNAMCO 2010 reprint [3]. Stochastic Differential Equations, Bernt Oksendal, Sixth Edition, Springer. [5]. Mathematical Physics - A Modern Introduction to its Foundations, Sadri Hassani, 2013. [4] A Comprehensive introduction to Differential Geometry, Michael Spivak, Vol.1, p. 478, 3rd edition.

*: I attempted to find notation that would fit for CS, but my Knuth Vol. 1 on AOCP and CSLR couldn't give more examples than the standard maths notation.

As usual, critiques welcome.