stevengogogo / ECEN649_FinalProject

The final project for ECEN649 Pattern Recognition
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Network in Chandra2021 #16

Open stevengogogo opened 1 year ago

stevengogogo commented 1 year ago


Code of BNN

class Network:

    def __init__(self, Topo, Train, Test, learn_rate):
        self.Top = Topo  # NN topology [input, hidden, output]
        self.TrainData = Train
        self.TestData = Test
        self.lrate = learn_rate

        self.W1 = np.random.randn(self.Top[0], self.Top[1]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[0])
        self.B1 = np.random.randn(1, self.Top[1]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])  # bias first layer
        self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.Top[1], self.Top[2]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])
        self.B2 = np.random.randn(1, self.Top[2]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])  # bias second layer

        self.hidout = np.zeros((1, self.Top[1]))  # output of first hidden layer
        self.out = np.zeros((1, self.Top[2]))  # output last layer

    def sigmoid(self, x):
        return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

    def sampleEr(self, actualout):
        error = np.subtract(self.out, actualout)
        sqerror = np.sum(np.square(error)) / self.Top[2]
        return sqerror

    def ForwardPass(self, X):
        z1 = - self.B1
        self.hidout = self.sigmoid(z1)  # output of first hidden layer
        z2 = - self.B2
        self.out = self.sigmoid(z2)  # output second hidden layer

    def BackwardPass(self, Input, desired):
        out_delta = (desired - self.out) * (self.out * (1 - self.out))
        hid_delta = * (self.hidout * (1 - self.hidout))

        # self.W2 += ( * self.lrate)
        # self.B2 += (-1 * self.lrate * out_delta)
        # self.W1 += ( * self.lrate)
        # self.B1 += (-1 * self.lrate * hid_delta)

        layer = 1  # hidden to output
        for x in range(0, self.Top[layer]):
            for y in range(0, self.Top[layer + 1]):
                self.W2[x, y] += self.lrate * out_delta[y] * self.hidout[x]
        for y in range(0, self.Top[layer + 1]):
            self.B2[y] += -1 * self.lrate * out_delta[y]

        layer = 0  # Input to Hidden
        for x in range(0, self.Top[layer]):
            for y in range(0, self.Top[layer + 1]):
                self.W1[x, y] += self.lrate * hid_delta[y] * Input[x]
        for y in range(0, self.Top[layer + 1]):
            self.B1[y] += -1 * self.lrate * hid_delta[y]

    def decode(self, w):
        w_layer1size = self.Top[0] * self.Top[1]
        w_layer2size = self.Top[1] * self.Top[2]

        w_layer1 = w[0:w_layer1size]
        self.W1 = np.reshape(w_layer1, (self.Top[0], self.Top[1]))

        w_layer2 = w[w_layer1size:w_layer1size + w_layer2size]
        self.W2 = np.reshape(w_layer2, (self.Top[1], self.Top[2]))
        self.B1 = w[w_layer1size + w_layer2size:w_layer1size + w_layer2size + self.Top[1]]
        self.B2 = w[w_layer1size + w_layer2size + self.Top[1]:w_layer1size + w_layer2size + self.Top[1] + self.Top[2]]

    def encode(self):
        w1 = self.W1.ravel()
        w2 = self.W2.ravel()
        w = np.concatenate([w1, w2, self.B1, self.B2])
        return w

    def langevin_gradient(self, data, w, depth):  # BP with SGD (Stocastic BP)

        self.decode(w)  # method to decode w into W1, W2, B1, B2.
        size = data.shape[0]

        Input = np.zeros((1, self.Top[0]))  # temp hold input
        Desired = np.zeros((1, self.Top[2]))
        fx = np.zeros(size)

        for i in range(0, depth):
            for i in range(0, size):
                pat = i
                Input = data[pat, 0:self.Top[0]]
                Desired = data[pat, self.Top[0]: self.Top[0] + self.Top[-1]]
                self.BackwardPass(Input, Desired)

        w_updated = self.encode()

        return w_updated

    def evaluate_proposal(self, data, w):  # BP with SGD (Stocastic BP)

        self.decode(w)  # method to decode w into W1, W2, B1, B2.
        size = data.shape[0]

        Input = np.zeros((1, self.Top[0]))  # temp hold input
        Desired = np.zeros((1, self.Top[2]))
        fx = np.zeros((size, self.Top[2]))

        for i in range(0, size):  # to see what fx is produced by your current weight update
            Input = data[i, 0:self.Top[0]]
            fx[i] = self.out

        return fx


stevengogogo commented 1 year ago


self.W1 = np.random.randn(self.Top[0], self.Top[1]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[0])
self.B1 = np.random.randn(1, self.Top[1]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])  # bias first layer
self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.Top[1], self.Top[2]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])
self.B2 = np.random.randn(1, self.Top[2]) / np.sqrt(self.Top[1])  # bias second layer

Number of parameters

$$N_{params} = Top[0] \times Top[1] + Top[1] + Top[1] \times Top[2] + Top[2]$$


stevengogogo commented 1 year ago

Check instructure built by haiku.