stevenliuyi / covid19

an interactive, animated COVID-19 coronavirus map to track the outbreak over time by country and by region for selected countries
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Confirmed and Death Count is 0 on May 20th and May 21st #47

Open pescap opened 4 years ago

pescap commented 4 years ago

Hi, Countries are: Germany, Spain, Brasil, Chile amongst others. Any idea of how to solve it? Best wishes, Capture d’écran 2020-05-21 à 09 48 28

esteblock commented 4 years ago

Hi, I checked the scripts and stats. I see that JHU is updated until 2020-05-20 However the generateData() in scripts/data_processing_world.js is somehow getting for some countries data for 2020-05-21, so when merging, is putting 0 in the rests of the countries. generateData() must be corrected so it does not put 0 I think that this can be done forcing null instead of 0, and when exporting to json, will not appear. But I have not gone deeply in generateData() yet.

erlange commented 4 years ago

Sorry to bother you @estebaniglesias ,

I noticed the 0 counts again today, might be due to discrepancy in update schedules. I don't know if forcing null could solve the problems or maybe using the values from the previous date if the generateData() method didn't find the values for the current date instead of 0.

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Date Confirmed Cured Dead
Brazil     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Chile     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Germany     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Italy     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Mexico     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Spain     2020-05-27 0 0 0

Even most Argentina cities keep showing 0 since the past 7 days.

Apart from those countries, some of my findings are: Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Date Confirmed Cured Dead
Argentina Buenos Aires   2020-05-27 0 120 0
Argentina Catamarca   2020-05-27 0    
Argentina Chaco   2020-05-27 0 56 0
Argentina Chubut   2020-05-27 0   0
Argentina Ciudad de Buenos Aires   2020-05-27 0 301 0
Argentina Cordoba   2020-05-27 0 38 0
Argentina Corrientes   2020-05-27 0 5 0
Argentina Entre Rios   2020-05-27 0 10 0
Argentina Formosa   2020-05-27 0    
Argentina Jujuy   2020-05-27 0 3  
Argentina La Pampa   2020-05-27 0   0
Argentina La Rioja   2020-05-27 0 2 0
Argentina Mendoza   2020-05-27 0 5 0
Argentina Misiones   2020-05-27 0   0
Argentina Neuquen   2020-05-27 0 2 0
Argentina Rio Negro   2020-05-27 0 7 0
Argentina Salta   2020-05-27 0   0
Argentina San Juan   2020-05-27 0    
Argentina San Luis   2020-05-27 0 6  
Argentina Santa Cruz   2020-05-27 0 5 0
Argentina Santa Fe   2020-05-27 0 27 0
Argentina Santiago del Estero   2020-05-27 0 3 0
Argentina Tierra del Fuego   2020-05-27 0 36 0
Argentina Tucuman   2020-05-27 0 3 0
Brazil     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Chile     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Colombia Arauca   2020-05-27 0    
Colombia Casanare   2020-05-27 0 1  
Colombia Putumayo   2020-05-27 0    
Colombia Quindio   2020-05-27 0 5 0
Colombia Risaralda   2020-05-27 0 5 0
Colombia San Andres y Providencia   2020-05-27 0 1  
Colombia Sucre   2020-05-27 0 1  
Colombia Vaupes   2020-05-27 0    
Ecuador Azuay   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Bolivar   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Canar   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Carchi   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Chimborazo   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Cotopaxi   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador El Oro   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Esmeraldas   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Galapagos   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Guayas   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Imbabura   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Loja   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Los Rios   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Manabi   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Morona Santiago   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Napo   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Orellana   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Pastaza   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Pichincha   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Santa Elena   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Sucumbios   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Tungurahua   2020-05-27 0   0
Ecuador Zamora-Chinchipe   2020-05-27 0   0
Germany     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Italy     2020-05-27 0 0 0
Italy Abruzzo Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Italy Basilicata Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Italy Emilia Romagna Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Italy Friuli V. G. Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Italy Sicilia Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Italy Toscana Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
Mexico     2020-05-27 0 0 0
South Africa Unknown   2020-05-27 0    
Spain     2020-05-27 0 0 0
United States of America Alabama Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Alaska Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Arizona Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   2
United States of America California Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Hawaii Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Indiana Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   159
United States of America Kansas Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Kansas Elk 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Kansas Washington 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Maryland Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   67
United States of America Mississippi Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Missouri Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Montana Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Nebraska Mcpherson 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Nebraska Keya Paha 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Nevada Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America New Hampshire Countytba 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America North Carolina Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Ohio Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Oklahoma Out-of-State 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Oklahoma Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Oregon Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Pennsylvania Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America South Dakota Brule 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America Utah Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Virginia Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Washington Unassigned 2020-05-27 0    
United States of America West Virginia Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Wisconsin Unassigned 2020-05-27 0   0
United States of America Wyoming unassigned 2020-05-27 0   13

There are too many...