stevenlsw / Semi-Hand-Object

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Cannot get reasonable inference result #14

Closed JiaheXu closed 1 year ago

JiaheXu commented 1 year ago

Hi @stevenlsw

Great work!!! I have some trouble using your code. The result of the 2D joint prediction is weird. You can see the image and simple demo code on test.jpg is the code I used for testing, hand_detect_result.png is the result of hand_detection. 2d_joints.jpg is the result of the 2D joint prediction. you can run the code with python3 --evaluate --HO3D_root=../dataset/HO3D_v2 --resume=./model.pth.tar --test_batch=1 --host_folder=exp_results .Please take a look, thanks!!!!

red dots are the joint preditions 2d_joints