Open vicenteribes opened 5 years ago
@vicenteribes thanks for this. If this is a verifiable change (and maintains support for non-O365 microsoft accounts like hotmail/live accounts assuming they are still supported), I am happy to accept a PR with this permanent change, along with updated passing tests.
Gostaria de contribuir,
Caso não tenha conta corporativa da Microsoft, essa rotina funciona com contas de e-mails comuns usando o login
$ provider = novo Stevenmaguire \ OAuth2 \ Client \ Provider \ Microsoft ([ // Necessário 'clientId' => '{seu cliente-id na conta do Azure.', 'clientSecret' => 'seu cliente-secreto usando o Azure' , 'redirectUri' => 'seu link de retorno, deve estar idêntico à conta do Azure', 'urlAuthorize' => '', 'urlAccessToken' => '', //'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '' //Deprecated ]); É necessário criar como configurações de aplicativo no Azure: Localize -> Serviços de aplicativos -> Gerenciar o Diretório Ativo do Azure Localize -> Registros de aplicativos na barra lateral. Crie seu novo registro de aplicativo, ID do cliente, segredo do cliente, tokens de acesso de permissão, etc.
@stevenmaguire The solution suggested by @vicenteribes should be correct, as officially published by Microsoft itself:
More than that, I just verified the connection with a personal account and with a change on the scope separator this library works.
I have used this plugin in a project, and worked perfect with personal microsoft accounts (free accounts) but couldn't work with professional (office 365 accounts)
I have edited /src/Provider/Microsoft.php changing the following lines:
protected $urlAuthorize = ''; protected $urlAccessToken = '';
and now works with both personal and professional accounts.
Just to inform any other guy with the same issue.