stevennick / videojs-ad-scheduler

Advertisement scheduler for video.js
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Hi!, Ads not playing with your plugin. #3

Open sportexholdings opened 8 years ago

sportexholdings commented 8 years ago

can you tell me what is missing.. Link:

and also,can your plugin intergrate with clappr player.

waiting your response. what are the changes,i need to done,if i used clappr player

stevennick commented 8 years ago

I have checked the code and it looks good, the ad scheduler plugin has also trigger play ADs as well. But when videojs request AD video sources it encountered media source not supported error, the web developer tools also show that all AD video has responses with size = 0KB at the same time.

My advice is to try to evaluate ads plugin with local AD video source (it means the VMAP/VAST file may need to be modified to fit the testing environment, and try to load AD video content under the same host) and see if the problem occurs again.

sportexholdings commented 8 years ago

Hi!,thanks.. How do i get work - your plugin with this player(clappr videoplayer). Link:

any idea?

stevennick commented 8 years ago

The videojs-ad-scheduler required many video events to trigger suitable action, it also uses many of player control functions that HTML5 player does not have but for video.js. If you wish to porting ad scheduler to another player framework, it should manually to mapping those function & events to get this plugin work.

For the beginning, videojs-contrib-ads is a good start to evaluate AD integration support, and ones if another player framework supports contentPlay/contentPlayEnded event and duration function, it is possible to work together with ad scheduler.