stevennt / myai.abn.khoj.old.abandon

[KHOJ fork] Your AI second brain. Get answers to your questions, whether they be online or in your own notes. Use online AI models (e.g gpt4) or private, local LLMs (e.g llama3). Self-host locally or use our cloud instance. Access from Obsidian, Emacs, Desktop app, Web or Whatsapp.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link


Open stevennt opened 2 months ago

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Where is the FastAPI initiated / called ?

What are the endpoints I can use to call from outside?

I want to use its capability as backend for my other tasks, such as filling out RFPs.


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Indexing files: src/khoj/routers/ image

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Initial Data: how to code them down instead of manually doing it on the frontend? http://localhost:42110/server/admin/


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Accepted files: src/khoj/interface/web/chat.html


stevennt commented 2 months ago

API to answer chat: // Generate backend API URL to execute query let url = /api/chat?q=${encodeURIComponent(query)}&n=${resultsCount}&client=web&stream=true&conversation_id=${conversationID}&region=${region}&city=${city}&country=${countryName}&timezone=${timezone};

        // Call specified ABN API
        let response = await fetch(url);
        let rawResponse = "";
        let references = null;
stevennt commented 2 months ago

Maybe loading the indication here:


stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Database: src/khoj/database/models/

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Init: maybe change here:



stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

how / when are the models downloaded?

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Seems that it will download from HuggingFace at runtime.



stevennt commented 2 months ago

Oh they have reranking image

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Compute Embeddings, Load Pre-computed embeddings: src/khoj/search_type/


stevennt commented 2 months ago

src/khoj/processor/conversation/ many prompts

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Go to the OpenAI settings in the server admin settings to add an OpenAI processor conversation config. This is where you set your API key and server API base URL. The API base URL is optional - it's only relevant if you're using another OpenAI-compatible proxy server. Go over to configure your chat model options. Set the chat-model field to a supported chat model1 of your choice. For example, you can specify gpt-4-turbo-preview if you're using OpenAI. Make sure to set the model-type field to OpenAI. The tokenizer and max-prompt-size fields are optional. Set them only if you're sure of the tokenizer or token limit for the model you're using. Contact us if you're unsure what to do here. Configure Offline Chat No need to setup a conversation processor config! Go over to configure your chat model options. Set the chat-model field to a supported chat model1 of your choice. For example, we recommend NousResearch/Hermes-2-Pro-Mistral-7B-GGUF, but any gguf model on huggingface should work. Make sure to set the model-type to Offline. Do not set openai config. The tokenizer and max-prompt-size fields are optional. Set them only when using a non-standard model (i.e not mistral, gpt or llama2 model) when you know the token limit.

stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Successfully configure Khoj with OpenAI: image image

stevennt commented 2 months ago



stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

The URL should be without /chat, because Khoj appends that automatically. If I add, it will be duplicate.


stevennt commented 2 months ago

BadRequestError: Error code:
myaiabnkhoj-server-1 | 400 - {'error': {'message':
myaiabnkhoj-server-1 | 'response_format` does not
myaiabnkhoj-server-1 | support streaming', 'type':
myaiabnkhoj-server-1 | 'invalid_request_error'}}

stevennt commented 2 months ago

PROMPTS: src/khoj/processor/conversation/

stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago



stevennt commented 2 months ago

The tokenizer and max-prompt-size fields are optional. Set them only if you're sure of the tokenizer or token limit for the model you're using. Contact us if you're unsure what to do here.


stevennt commented 2 months ago

image src/khoj/processor/conversation/

stevennt commented 2 months ago

def truncate_messages( messages: list[ChatMessage], max_prompt_size, model_name: str, loaded_model: Optional[Llama] = None, tokenizer_name=None, ) -> list[ChatMessage]: """Truncate messages to fit within max prompt size supported by model"""

default_tokenizer = "hf-internal-testing/llama-tokenizer"

    if loaded_model:
        encoder = loaded_model.tokenizer()
    elif model_name.startswith("gpt-"):
        encoder = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model_name)
    elif tokenizer_name:
        if tokenizer_name in state.pretrained_tokenizers:
            encoder = state.pretrained_tokenizers[tokenizer_name]
            encoder = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name)
            state.pretrained_tokenizers[tokenizer_name] = encoder
        encoder = download_model(model_name).tokenizer()
    if default_tokenizer in state.pretrained_tokenizers:
        encoder = state.pretrained_tokenizers[default_tokenizer]
        encoder = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(default_tokenizer)
        state.pretrained_tokenizers[default_tokenizer] = encoder
        f"Fallback to default chat model tokenizer: {tokenizer_name}.\nConfigure tokenizer for unsupported model: {model_name} in Khoj settings to improve context stuffing."
stevennt commented 2 months ago

Lets try this: google-bert/bert-base-uncased image

stevennt commented 2 months ago

image openai-community/gpt2

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Oh, in the code: default_tokenizer = "hf-internal-testing/llama-tokenizer" image

stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Upload Files: src/khoj/interface/web/chat.html


stevennt commented 2 months ago

All the things (uploads, etc.) are implemented in API, so I can just play with the APIs


stevennt commented 2 months ago


stevennt commented 2 months ago

Sync/index data: Simply edit this config file and let Khoj Desktop do the job.

{ "files": [ { "path": "/home/thanhson/Downloads/RFP#2024-Amgen-01 Biding App Upgrade.pdf" } ], "folders": [], "khojToken": "kk-yHlnpZ4zKsw-ocgn9_WxUPRkgl4Fa3cECmNACl4XmVA", "hostURL": "", "lastSync": [] } ~

stevennt commented 2 months ago

The backup seems to work. But where does it store?


stevennt commented 2 months ago

image image image image

stevennt commented 2 months ago

image image image image image image

stevennt commented 2 months ago


@indexer. @auth_router. @web_client. @subscription_router. @notion_router. @api_chat. @api_agents.

stevennt commented 2 months ago

maybe change this has_documents to initialize with initial documents:



stevennt commented 2 months ago

Embeddings: src/khoj/processor/


Text Search: src/khoj/search_type/

stevennt commented 2 months ago
stevennt commented 2 months ago

I created my own embeddings and search at ABNScripts

stevennt commented 2 months ago

Prompts, nice: /home/thanhson/Workspace/myai.abn.khoj/src/khoj/processor/conversation/ from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate



personality = PromptTemplate.from_template( """ You are ABNCopilot, a smart, inquisitive and helpful personal assistant. Use your general knowledge and past conversation with the user as context to inform your responses. You were created by with the following capabilities:

Note: More information about you, the company or ABN apps for download can be found at Today is {current_date} in UTC. """.strip() )

custom_personality = PromptTemplate.from_template( """ You are {name}, an Ai agent from ABN Asia. Use your general knowledge and past conversation with the user as context to inform your responses.


stevennt commented 2 months ago Configure Chat Model: Setup which chat model you'd want to use. Khoj supports local and online chat models. MULTIPLE CHAT MODELS Add a ServerChatSettings with Default and Summarizer fields set to your preferred chat model via the admin panel. Otherwise Khoj defaults to use the first chat model in your ChatModelOptions for all non chat response generation tasks. image