stevenpawley / recipeselectors

Additional recipes for supervised feature selection to be used with the tidymodels recipes package
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Fatal error with recipes >= 1.0.6 #14

Closed ning-y closed 10 months ago

ning-y commented 1 year ago

step_select_boruta uses deprecated recipes::terms_select, superceded by recipes::recipes_eval_select

Error in `step_select_boruta()`:
Caused by error:
! `terms_select()` was deprecated in recipes 1.0.6 and is now defunct.
ℹ Please use `recipes_eval_select()` instead.
  1. ├─... %>% colnames()
  2. ├─base::colnames(.)
  3. │ └─
  4. ├─dplyr::select(., -condition)
  5. ├─recipes::bake(., new_data = NULL)
  6. ├─recipes::prep(.)
  7. └─recipes:::prep.recipe(.)
  8.   ├─recipes:::recipes_error_context(...)
  9.   │ ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 10.   │ └─base::force(expr)
 11.   ├─recipes::prep(x$steps[[i]], training = training, info = x$term_info)
 12.   └─recipeselectors:::prep.step_select_boruta(...)
 13.     └─recipes::terms_select(terms = x$terms, info = info)
 14.       └─lifecycle::deprecate_stop("1.0.6", "terms_select()", "recipes_eval_select()")
 15.         └─lifecycle:::deprecate_stop0(msg)
 16.           └─rlang::cnd_signal(...)
macsmith26 commented 10 months ago

The recipeselectors package has been replaced by the colino package.

From the Notes section of the recipeselectors readme:

The package recipeselectors is changing its name to 'colino'. Continued package development and eventual release top CRAN will occur from the '' repository.

I tested some examples from the colino package using recipes 1.0.7 and none threw this error.

ning-y commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the update, I'll close this issue then!