I was making my own page using and while working with a large dataset, noticed that there is absolutely no way to prevent memory usage from getting out of control (on my page it happened rather quickly). As you throw entries on to your dataset, or replace the dataset entirely, I think events are being bound and never nullified when the data is replaced, and thus, while no handles may remain to the old dataset, they live on in memory without being garbage collected.
If you go to http://files.stevenskelton.ca/sortable-table/examples/refreshing-data.html and just leave the tab open for a few hours, you'll eventually crash your Chromium tab.
I was making my own page using and while working with a large dataset, noticed that there is absolutely no way to prevent memory usage from getting out of control (on my page it happened rather quickly). As you throw entries on to your dataset, or replace the dataset entirely, I think events are being bound and never nullified when the data is replaced, and thus, while no handles may remain to the old dataset, they live on in memory without being garbage collected.