steventheworker / DockAltTab

Window preview app for MacOS (on the dock) using AltTab.
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 4 forks source link

Trackpad Gestures #21

Open steventheworker opened 1 year ago

steventheworker commented 1 year ago

Trigger AltTab shortcuts with gestures...

I do the same w/ BTT:

Any suggestions? Also how would it look in the UI?

space-esquire commented 1 year ago

4 finger up/down (personally, I hate clicking everything is tap to click for me) And three finger drag ruins all three finger gestures Maybe options? So the user can decide?

steventheworker commented 1 year ago

Actually if you disable all 3 finger gestures in settings, and replace them with BTT triggers they all works perfectly... except 3 finger swipe left/right to switch to previous/next space (it disables peak/previewing, and forces the space change (normally you can see a portion of the previous/next space before committing to the space change))

EDIT: I normally do this to make mission control show space thumbnails automatically

But yes, I will probably show a drop-down with options to choose 3 or 4 finger

space-esquire commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much! That's helpful. Would I still be able to use 3 finger drag? I haven't figured out how to do so in BTT. I love DockAlt-Tab by the way! I wouldn't say this is an issue, more of a little note regarding lwouis's repo. I noticed that the original Alt-Tab does this as well. On Monterey I did not have this issue, but on Ventura there is a small white border around the previews with the edges cut off. I used the same settings you had on your website. Maybe a Ventura bug?

shredthaGNAR commented 1 year ago

Using combo of BTT and this awesome app I have been able create gestures to both initialize Alttab and then also either minize, close or hide app/window on both Dockalt and Alttab by doing gestures over designated window and moving around using tip-taps. Works great no need to use keyboatd just hover and then tip tap and then 3 finger down to hide etc.

steventheworker commented 1 year ago

@space-esquire Unfortunately, the triggers via BTT interfere w/ 3 finger drag. It would be possible if under "Advanced Conditions" BTT had variables with selection/drag information (they don't). However, I'm about to try making it work in my app "screenhook" (to run these 3 finger triggers: exposé, mission control, left space, right space... when nothing is being selected/dragged)

steventheworker commented 1 year ago

@space-esquire Unfortunately, the triggers via BTT interfere w/ 3 finger drag. It would be possible if under "Advanced Conditions" BTT had variables with selection/drag information (they don't). However, I'm about to try making it work in my app "screenhook" (to run these 3 finger triggers: exposé, mission control, left space, right space... when nothing is being selected/dragged)

WynStaXxx opened an issue for the issue with the white border (explanation / workaround)

@WynStaXxx wondering if the most recent update broke your BTT triggers? the "showApp" definition now requires adding dockPos to the end.

if it stops working change these commands like so: eg:   showApp appBID "exampleAppBID" x 0 y 0 =>     showApp appBID "exampleAppBID" x 0 y 0 dockPos "bottom"

shredthaGNAR commented 1 year ago

Oh yes they did. Just checked after updating. Thanks for the tip to fix I will do tomorrow. Thanks!