steventheworker / DockAltTab

Window preview app for MacOS (on the dock) using AltTab.
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 4 forks source link

Update Modded AltTab to match new AltTab release patches/fixes #3

Closed JessePeden closed 2 years ago

JessePeden commented 2 years ago

Please update your modded AltTab to be based on the newest release of the official AltTab that patches an issue with mouse events.

steventheworker commented 2 years ago

Done. v6.46.1 Download

JessePeden commented 2 years ago

@steventheworker Thanks for the rapid response. A couple of questions, though:

AltTab checks for updates automatically by default. Does this need to be disabled or did you modify it to look for the modded AltTab (making it safe to use the auto-update feature)?

It seems the version number is not recognized correctly. It says "Version #VERSION#" in the about screen and in the update check feature. Is this expected?

DockAltTab doesn't seem to set an entry to start with the system/login. Is that correct, or am I missing something?

steventheworker commented 2 years ago

Yeah AltTab seems to be compiled via CLI which updates the #VERSION# variable using the sparkle framework (which I unfortunately haven't gotten around to learning), so I would recommend disabling updates since those are currently linked to the official AltTab repository.

If you want to start DockAltTab on login, you will have to add it to System Preferences under "Login Items".