steventroughtonsmith / filebrowser

iOS 7 File Browser
181 stars 43 forks source link #4

Open Tsubashi opened 8 years ago

Tsubashi commented 8 years ago

From a clean environment, I must first build the File Browser target before I can successfully build the NanoFileBrowser-Package target. If I don't I get the following:

/Users/<...>/Build/Intermediates/ cannot read entitlement data

because it is looking in the folder when NanoFileBrowser-Package creates FileBrowser (Watch Enabled).build instead.

Not a show stopper, just something to be aware of.

steventroughtonsmith commented 8 years ago

This should have been fixed in the latest commit? I added FileBrowser to the NanoFileBrowser-Package dependencies. Are you seeing something different?

Tsubashi commented 8 years ago

As far as I can tell, FileBrowser (Watch Enabled) is added to the dependencies, not FileBrowser. This produces:

/Users/<...>/ (Watch Enabled).build/

While the script is looking for:
