Open 01Kuzma opened 9 years ago
Hey, I'm currently unable to open your page, the server returns not found.
Also, I've pushed 4.2.4 to master if you would like to properly update.
Hi! There was a malfunction on hosting. Now the website is online. I've updated the library but everything remained the same :(
It looks like the issue with the right side of your slider isn't directly related to bxSlider, and actually related to your custom scrollbar. Not real sure on how to assist in this, as it's specific to your implementation.. What are you using for custom scrollbars?
There does seem to be a bug in IE11 for the tickerHover feature. I will look at that. For now I think you can set the ticker to useCSS:false
to get around this. I believe there is an issue calculating the transform position.
Hm... I've disabled mostly all of CSS code on my localhost but margin hasn't disappeared... I use Infinite jQuery Scroll & jQuery ScrollTo. But few weeks ago everything was fine... Strange, I can't find the relation, what's causing the problem :(
Ok, thank you! I will use it as a temporary workaround
I think that I've found what is causing the margin problem - it's second slider with logo ticker (are they conflicting somehow?). If I remove it from HTML and from JS - the margin disappears, but I still don't have a clue why it's so happening. I'm using this code to initialize both sliders:
( function( $ ) {
// Setup variables
$window = $(window);
$slide = $('.homeSlide');
$body = $('body');
//FadeIn all sections
$body.imagesLoaded( function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// Resize sections
// Fade in sections
}, 800);
auto: true,
easing: 'ease',
controls: false,
pager: false
minSlides: 2,
maxSlides: 3,
slideWidth: 250,
slideMargin: 10,
moveSlides: 3,
ticker: true,
tickerHover: true,
speed: 20000
function adjustWindow(){
// Get window size
winH = $window.height();
winW = $window.width();
// Keep minimum height 550
if(winH <= 550) {
winH = 550;
// Init Skrollr for 768 and up
if( winW >= 768) {
// Init Skrollr
var s = skrollr.init({
forceHeight: false
// Resize our slides
} else {
// Init Skrollr
var s = skrollr.init();
// Check for touch
if(Modernizr.touch) {
// Init Skrollr
var s = skrollr.init();
function initAdjustWindow() {
return {
match : function() {
unmatch : function() {
enquire.register("screen and (min-width : 768px)", initAdjustWindow(), false).listen(100);
} )( jQuery );
I've spent more time digging in the margin's problem and what I've investigated - is very interesting and weird. I think it's very specific bug: if the number of logos exceeds 10 images - the margin appears! While the are ten of less logos - everything works fine...
Updated to 4.2.5 - everything is the same :(
I had the same issue, this "useCSS:false" helped me to fix it.
Hi! It seems that it's a bug. In IE 11 once the mouse is hovered over the ticker - the ticker returns to the first logo. No way to click to the others. The example is placed here:
Another issue: you have already helped me with full screen logo. But it seems, after the bxslider's update to the latest dev version something went wrong. There is a little margin on the right. The slide doesn't cover the width by 100%. Example at the beginning of the page:
Version: v4.2.3
Thank you!