steveohara / j2mod

Enhanced Modbus library implemented in the Java programming language
Apache License 2.0
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Using library with Bluetooth connection #104

Closed retuner87 closed 4 years ago

retuner87 commented 4 years ago

Hi all, I'm an android developer and I need to connect my app with a remote bluetooth device that use Modbus RTU protocol; application must request some data and display them to a view.

I create a communication socket with the device but I can not understand how use j2mod lib to send a modbus rtu request.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance Mattia

steveohara commented 4 years ago

The library expects to connect to a Modbus slave either via a serial port or a TCP address. If your BT slave manifests it's Comms interface as either of these then it will work. If not, then you will need to provide your own transport or serial port implementation. Most people use the master facade classes but if you look at those implementations you'll see that they are just helper classes that aggregate the connection, transport and transaction classes.

retuner87 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @steveohara for your reply. This app is the third that I made with a BT connection and I'm not so expert on it. I saw that the UUID connection simulates a serial connection but I can't understand how use it with the j2mod lib, which classes I can use to connect it or which commands.

steveohara commented 4 years ago

The best way to see how to do this is to follow the example set out in SerialMaster This is actually a mimic of ModPoll and means you can use the j2mod library from the command line to test your serial connections

For example; java -cp j2mod-2.6.1.jar:libs/* com.ghgande.j2mod.modbus.util.SerialMaster -a 49 -t 3 -r 1 -l 20 /dev/ttyNS0

Make sure you have the required jar files (jSerialComm-2.5.3.jar log4j-1.2.17.jar slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar) in the libs directory