jSerialComm 2.8.5 overeagerly blocks SIGINT and SIGTERM which prevents normally terminating the Java application/VM. For example, stopping with systemd takes way longer than necessary (when the process gets SIGKILL-ed after a timeout) and shutdown hooks will not be run.
SIGTERM and SIGINT are no longer blocked with jSerialComm 2.9.1 and this commit bumps the dependency to the most recent release 2.9.3.
jSerialComm 2.8.5 overeagerly blocks SIGINT and SIGTERM which prevents normally terminating the Java application/VM. For example, stopping with systemd takes way longer than necessary (when the process gets SIGKILL-ed after a timeout) and shutdown hooks will not be run.
SIGTERM and SIGINT are no longer blocked with jSerialComm 2.9.1 and this commit bumps the dependency to the most recent release 2.9.3.