stevermeister / dutch-tax-income-calculator

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Taxes values #16

Open drtdev1 opened 2 months ago

drtdev1 commented 2 months ago


How can we see what is the tax percentage applied to see how those numbers are calculated and which values have been applied?

Also, on my payslip I see an extra tax, "Zvw withholding employee". How is this addressed by your calculations/web application?

Thank you

stevermeister commented 2 months ago

1) from the right you can check all the checkboxes to have more information. 2) it's open source, so you can check the code: here you can find core logic on JS - and if you are more comfortable with Python -

also you can use CustomGPT -

Zvw withholding employee

The "Zvw withholding for employees" refers to the health insurance contribution in the Netherlands under the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, Zvw). It is a mandatory insurance premium withheld by the employer from the salary of the employees to cover part of the costs of the Dutch national healthcare system.

In the context of payroll calculations:

For the calculations provided in this Dutch Income Tax Calculator: