stevermeister / dutch-tax-income-calculator

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Disable Holiday allowance? #7

Closed guar47 closed 5 months ago

guar47 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to learn how much you're gonna earn per month without holiday allowance added to the calculation?

As I understand Net Month and Year month always includes holiday allowance. How can I calculate without it?

Option: "Holiday allowance included" doesn't change anything, it's just taking into account holiday allowance inside the sum.

It would be great to see separated field "Monthly net without holiday allowance". It's more often not included in the monthly slip but paid annualy.

maratori commented 1 year ago

I'm not 100% sure, but my understanding is the following. Month Net Income and Year Net Income don't include holiday allowance regardless of the Holiday allowance included checkbox. The actual net income must be calculated = Year Net Holiday Allowance + Year Net Income.

Why do I think so?

I compare two calculations:

  1. Gross income 10000 per year, checkbox is not checked (link)
  2. Gross income 10800 per year, checkbox is checked (link)


  1. Both calculations return the same Year Net Income
  2. Both calculations return the same Month Net Income
  3. Total Income Tax = 0 (because of low income the whole tax is covered by credits)
  4. Year Net Income = 10000, which is equal to gross income without holiday allowance
  5. Month Net Income = 833.33, which is equal to Year Net Income / 12
stevermeister commented 1 year ago

@maratori maybe you are not paying some taxes for this annual amount? I just checked that if you make number bigger - you see the difference

maratori commented 1 year ago

@stevermeister Do you think that if gross income is 10800 including holiday allowance, the effective tax is exactly 800? It looks strange.

stevermeister commented 1 year ago

@maratori Well, I'm not a tax expert, I'm a developer like you, I just tried to gather all this logic and make it work, and for most cases it does.

If you think it should calculate differently let's jump to this repo - - which contains logic and calculations, this one is more focused on the UI part.