stevesaliman / gradle-cobertura-plugin

Gradle Cobertura Plugin
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coverageExcludes - for a fileName #140

Closed rajademo closed 7 years ago

rajademo commented 7 years ago

Need some help to excludes for Test Files recursively that ends with Test (xxxTest.class). Used the following regex


= ['.✱Test.[A-Z]✱']

, but it is not working properly.

Please check and let me know if i miss anything

rajademo commented 7 years ago

any updates. Thanks in advance

stevesaliman commented 7 years ago

I think the regex you need is simply coverageExcludes=['.*Test']

The regex you are using will only exclude files that have a character after the word Test, followed by one or more capital letters.

I don't remember if the plugin considers the extension or not, so if the above doesn't work, you could try coverageExcludes=['.*Test.class']