steveschow / gfxCardStatus

This is a fork of gfxCardStatus, this fork will handle integrated-only mode a little better
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Alternative ways to disable nVidia graphics #21

Open steveschow opened 7 years ago

steveschow commented 7 years ago

This issue will contain various alternative ways to disable the nVidia graphics device for MBP having discrete graphics problems. These should avoid the need to use gfxCardStatus.

All methods and suggestions found here should be used AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please let us know what does and doesn't work for you.

steveschow commented 7 years ago

Here is one suggestion floating out there, which basically hacks the EFI firmware on the MBP to hide the discrete adapter completely.

Note, the above hack appears to only work with MBP's that have the AMD gpu. Doesn't seem to work right with the nVidia. It also requires some hacked kext's, I'm not exactly sure of the details since I stopped following it when I found it its for AMD gpu's.

NOTE - I actually did try this on my 2010 nVidia MBP and it did NOT work. FYI. I haven't found anyone on the net running this successfully with 2010 MBP's. Lots of happy people using it with AMD MBP's though.

steveschow commented 7 years ago

This is a mac app specific for 2010 MBP's, which hacks the PowerManagement kext so that nVidia graphics will be kept at a slower speed, which apparently prevents it from crashing.

its also important to note that SIP has to remained turned off for this to work since its a hacked and unsigned kext that causes the behavior. If you feel you need SIP turned on, this won't be for you.

Also, any time Apple decides to update the ApplePowerManagement.kext, then you have to run this tool again to hack the kext back into shape again.

NOTE - I am currently running this hack on my 2010 MBP and it seems to be working well. Display has been switching back and forth from integrated to discrete for various apps and so far a few weeks without a kernel panic. I can report that for 2010 specific models this is a good fix, I think better then gfxCardStatus. gfxCardStatus can still be used if desired to get better battery life in integrated only mode, but I haven't been using it anymore.

steveschow commented 7 years ago

Some people are fixing the mac by soldering in a better capacitor at a certain point. I think I am going to have this done to my 2010 MBP, apparently this is the real permanent and complete fix. can cost a few hundred bucks if you're not handy with a soldering iron though.

see here and google for more:

My understanding is that this fix is very specific to 2010 MBP's. Other MBP models will need to keep seeking other methods.

NOTE I am going to have this fix made to my 2010 MBP as soon as I get a chance to send it to someone that knows how to do it for me.

ipoznyak commented 7 years ago

Ok guys, I must thank whoever found this link to the hardware fix of MBP 2010!!! I changed the capacitor today and it works now! No more crushing and spontaneous reboots, no more switching to integrated graphics, freedom! 😄

steveschow commented 7 years ago

I'm gonna have it done to mine too. I have been running that GPUFix mentioned above for several weeks now without any kernel panic, but I think the capacitor fix is more permanent and will allow nVidia to run at full speed, external monitors, etc.. so I'm gonna have it done. Thanks for reporting your success. my i7 quad still has a lot of life left in it, I think its well worth the cost of having it done.

ingokeck commented 6 years ago

Any updates by the capacitor switchers? My MBP 2010 15" now also started showing the GPU Kernel panics and smd-soldering would not be a big issue for me...