steveschow / gfxCardStatus

This is a fork of gfxCardStatus, this fork will handle integrated-only mode a little better
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Integrated-only on startup #3

Open steveschow opened 8 years ago

steveschow commented 8 years ago

Provide ability through preferences dialog, to get gfxCardStatus to remember integrated-only mode whenever it starts up. This should use the safer approach mentioned in another ticket, where it will wait for OSX to dynamically switch to integrated mode and then turn the dynamic switch off at that time.

maciboy commented 8 years ago

Please think about changing the "could not switch graphics" error message into a notification, as already done here:

Thanks a lot!

JayBrown commented 7 years ago

Default startup should be in dynamic-switching mode, though, i.e. startup in integrated-only mode should be opt-in in Preferences.

RogueWingman commented 7 years ago

My nVidia card in my mid 2012 retina macbook has recently died so I am currently using gfx to force integrated but I end up forgetting all too often so this feature would be highly appreciated. Thanks

JayBrown commented 7 years ago

To not forget that I need to switch to integrated-only mode, I have installed imagesnap, and as part of my startup script I just snap an image with the iSightCamera, and (at least on my MBP 2010) imagesnap switches to discrete mode, and then back to integrated mode after it's finished. As long as you have gfxCardStatus set to "Alerts" in Notification Center, you will see the notifications later, even if you're afc during login, and then you just switch to integrated-only mode.

JayBrown commented 7 years ago

Come to think of it, you probably don't even need imagesnap, because you'll get at least one notification from gfxCardStatus at login, namely that it switched to integrated mode (while on dynamic switching). So it's probably enough to just set the app to "Alerts" in Notification Center; then you'll always be reminded to manually switch to integrated-only.

steveschow commented 7 years ago

I have created a new release 2.4.4i which defaults to integrated-only mode. it does not have a preference setting to choose those behavior, this is the default. In the future I will add a preference choice to choose which mode to launch the app in.