stevevega / docker-compass

Docker image for running Compass
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Not seeing changs on files #1

Open simonemarin opened 9 years ago

simonemarin commented 9 years ago

Hi I launch the container with proper options :

io@folio:~/Desktop/STARTERKIT$ ls config.rb favicon.ico images-source logo.png sass screenshot.png template.php theme-settings.php css images js README.txt sass-extensions templates io@folio:~/Desktop/STARTERKIT$ docker run --rm -v ./sass:/input -v ./css:/output stevevega/compass watch

Compass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.

if I try to change any of the files inside the sass folder compass is not compiling. tx Simone

stevevega commented 9 years ago

Hi Simone, I experimented a similar issue when running the container inside a Vagrant box. I was able to make it work using watch --poll For example: docker run --rm -v ./sass:/input -v ./css:/output stevevega/compass watch --poll

simonemarin commented 9 years ago

That was a good hint I remember I had to do it so even with a non Docker compass, but it does not seem to be the case, nothing happens..