stevevillardi / Logic.Monitor

LogicMonitor PowerShell Module for automating LM Portal tasks using APIv3
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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v3/v4 endpoints #1

Closed elmobp closed 3 years ago

elmobp commented 3 years ago

Quick question for this... Given "v3" is technically unsupported as its not documented where can we get a extract of the swagger doc for v3?

stevevillardi commented 3 years ago

I don't believe there has been an official swagger document created for v3. I know they are working on updating the swagger documentation overall but do not have much more insight than that unfortunately.

stevevillardi commented 1 year ago

@elmobp I know this was quite a bit ago but just wanted to let you know the swagger guide for API v3 has been released and is available at: LogicMonitor API v3

elmobp commented 1 year ago

@stevevillardi yeh funily enough we are using v4 endpoints now and v3 has only just been published

stevevillardi commented 1 year ago

Yea v4 is a totally different beast, I use it in some places where I have no choice but its not really intended for automation as its response model is built around UI driven usage but my understanding is v3 will be the default customer facing API endpoint going forward with new endpoints being added to v3 that don't exist today.

elmobp commented 1 year ago

I actually found a issue with v4 today... We must of swapped to 179 recently what was returning a device name in 178 is returning the IP address in 179.. I see what you mean :/