stevevillardi / Logic.Monitor

LogicMonitor PowerShell Module for automating LM Portal tasks using APIv3
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add URL to LMWebsite #13

Closed cainef closed 10 months ago

cainef commented 11 months ago

By default the Set-LMWebsite and New-LMWebsite create a step using the root domain only We monitor a lot of websites using healthcheck or version endpoints as part of the uri.

It would be good if we could have a parameter that allows us to set the URL portion of the step when creating or updating an LM website.


stevevillardi commented 11 months ago

When those were first published they were very barebones in terms of accepted parameters since at the time were not heavily requested commands. I have been meaning to re work them to allow for more options and flexibility for both internal and external webchecks. I will try and get to that in the next module update. Thanks for the feedback!

cainef commented 11 months ago

Really appreciate that, this module has been an absolute time saver. We were using our own functions after having issues with the old LogicMonitor module, but this is much better. Great work.

stevevillardi commented 11 months ago

No problem glad you find it valuable! If you have not already please relay that feedback to your customer success manager. I am trying to show that the demand for a LM supported module is out there and any feedback from customers goes a long way in making that a reality.

stevevillardi commented 10 months ago

So in the newest release 4.4 there is a webchecksteps object you can now provide that allows you to specify all the require step settings.