steveyen / gkvlite

Simple, ordered, key-value persistence library for the Go Language
MIT License
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curious about differences between boltdb and gkvlite #10

Open joeblew99 opened 8 years ago

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

i know they are similar to each other, and i think the design is superior to boltdb, but why did couchbase and bleve, etc go with bolt over this ? i guess there were reasons, and i am a bit curious what they were.

I am asking because i am looking for a kv store. i have written a tool to convert map reduce computations such that you can write it in standard golang, parse the AST, and produce a distributed CFG (computation flow graph). Hence allowing a computation to meet its SLA, by throwing more hardware at it.

Now, for each node (process or server), i need a backing store because each needs some memory / file store for long running computations. Bring the computation to the data way of thinking. Its for machine learning type event sourcing.

chilts commented 8 years ago

I'd also be interested in knowing what the comparison is? Or, why this looks pretty awesome but there hasn't been much happening recently. Is it because it's technically not going anywhere, because of lack of uptake or something else?