steviebarrett / faclair-manuscripts-1

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Some demonyms not showing any information in Meanma's RHP #1059

Closed mnimheachair closed 3 years ago

mnimheachair commented 3 years ago

Examples of demonyms that are not working:

T26 p2.1: "thuath de danann" ``

                    <space type="scribal"/>
                    <w id="d1e2201" lemma="día" lemmaRef="" pos="noun"><abbr cert="high">d<g id="d1e2204" ref="g9">e</g></abbr></w>
                    <space type="scribal"/>
                    <w id="d1e2209" lemma="Danann" lemmaRef="" pos="noun"><abbr cert="high">d<g id="d1e2212" ref="g9">anann</g></abbr></w>

T3 p1.12-13: fer cconachenn ``

            <lb n="13" xml:id="MS3.p1.13"/>
                    <w id="d1e1628" pos="noun-noun">
                        <w id="d1e1630" lemma="cú" lemmaRef="" pos="noun">ccona</w>
                        <w id="d1e1633" lemma="cenn" lemmaRef="" pos="noun"><abbr cert="high">c<g id="d1e1636" ref="g4">h</g></abbr>e<abbr cert="high">n<g id="d1e1641" ref="g5">n</g></abbr></w>

This does not apply to all demonyms. Examples which are working fine:

T26 p5.17: bfear morc ``

                    <space type="scribal"/>
                    <w id="d1e9328" lemma="morc" lemmaRef="" pos="noun">morc</w>

T1 p4v.19-20: clande canan ``

                    <space type="scribal"/>
                    <name id="d1e4801" type="personal">
                        <w id="d1e4803" pos="noun">canan</w>
steviebarrett commented 3 years ago

Think this is good now.