steviebarrett / faclair-manuscripts-1

A repository for the Faclair na Gàidhlig manuscript transcription project
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Intrusion of distinct text into manuscript lines #234

Closed Eystein-Thanisch closed 4 years ago

Eystein-Thanisch commented 5 years ago

The following is the end of the main text of the MacLeod Fosterage Contract (NAS, RH9.17.35; T11) and the witness list that follows. 20181128_155323_inset The main text of the contract extends for two lines (ll. 5-6, in the above image; ll. 25-26 in the manuscript) on the left below the line containing the first signature (that of Ruadhri Mac Leoid) on the right.

This presents a problem. Adding MacLeod's signature at line 25 would nonsensically interrupt the flow of the main text. Placing it on line 27 with the next lowest signature (that of the scribe, Toirrdelbach Ó Muirgesa), creates a misleading picture of the layout of the signatures, which is admittedly less of a problem, given that our interest is in language rather than in diplomatics.

Given that the scribe certainly did not intend the signature to be read as part of line 25, it is proposed that line 27 be created to accommodate MacLeod's signature from line 25, which will be projected to the right by means of <space type="force"/> elements. The next signature will appear on line 28. While not entirely representing the layout of the page accurately in terms of number of lines, this will represent the general positioning while maintaining the coherence of the text and avoiding the need for yet more complex programming.


Eystein-Thanisch commented 5 years ago

With credit mostly to @mnimheachair , we have come up with a slightly more elaborate solution that will, however, require special handling in the stylesheet.

In a signature list like the one above, which would interfere with the main text if manuscript layout were followed, each signature plus any associated spacing, should be added where it occurs in terms of manuscript layout and then enclosed in the following element: <seg type="signature" n="..."> ... </seg> In the Dip Edition, this should be printed as is, where it is located in the transcription XML file.

In the Semi-Dip Edition, this should be rendered as null where it is located in the transcription XML file. Instead, each <seg type="signature"> element should be printed at the end of the text (i.e. <p>), the order being determined by @n. Each should be prefixed by a manuscript line reference (i.e. @n' attribute of the most recent). All templates should be applied to the descendants of`, as a range of elements may be involved.

Only <space type="scribal"/> can be used inside <seg type="signature">, as it would otherwise interfere with the layout in the Semi-Dip.

The implementation of this in T11 can be found here.