stewartmckee / cobweb

Web crawler with very flexible crawling options. Can either use standalone or can be used with resque to perform clustered crawls.
MIT License
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Proxy authentication while parsing url with Net::HTTP #49

Open suvarnarajkumar opened 8 years ago

suvarnarajkumar commented 8 years ago

I have added code in lib/cobweb.rb for authenticating proxies. Along with this i have added a feature to rotate proxies for each request, i.e "proxy_shift" method inside the 'Cobweb' class is used for easy shifting proxies.

Example for proxy shifting: crawler ={:cache => xxx, :proxy_addr => 'xxxx', :proxy_port=> 'xxxx', :proxy_uname => 'xxxx', :proxy_pwd => 'xxxxx', :internal_urls => ["xxxxxxxx"]})

action = crawler.crawl("_url_") do |content|

 # Below line changes proxies eachtime request for getting new url.
 crawler.proxy_shift({:proxy_addr => 'xxxx', :proxy_port=> 'xxxx', :proxy_uname => 'xxxx', :proxy_pwd => 'xxxx')

  # some-statements....


stewartmckee commented 8 years ago

Looks great, could you submit with a couple rspec specs please, and I'll get it merged in.


suvarnarajkumar commented 8 years ago

Thanks for considering my code. I will do it as soon as possible and push it.