steyep / alfred-jira

Alfred 3 (or Alfred 2) workflow for interacting with JIRA.
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Feature Request: Usage of alt or meta key + enter for bookmarks and issues #44

Open seebi opened 7 years ago

seebi commented 7 years ago

Hi @steyep - some other idea - say stop if you don't want to get any more feature requests :-)

In order to change to jira very fast, I would like to use the typical meta or alt function of alfred.

Currently alt+return on an issue searches for bookmark-Xwith spotify which is imho a bug.

More useful could be

steyep commented 7 years ago

Thanks for creating an issue for this, @seebi. I have actually already been working on assigning shortcuts for some of the menu items (I was hoping to resolve issue #27 by using meta-keys). One of them does exactly what you're suggesting – open an issue in the browser without having to drill down to the issue's sub-menu. The reason I haven't released it yet is because I've been trying to keep compatibility between Alfred 2 and Alfred 3 and the implementation only works for Alfred 3.

I am still hopeful that it can be done across both versions while keeping the code base the same – but it's taken a backseat to the issues that I know I can close/push out to both versions of Alfred.

By the way, if you really meant that alt+return searches Spotify rather than Spotlight please share how you configured that because that seems pretty handy. But, either way, that's a default Alfred setting and isn't related to this workflow.

seebi commented 7 years ago


ok, so the alt, control and meta actions are not changeable at all? Or is it possible to change the meta action?

steyep commented 7 years ago

They're all changeable. Or I guess I should say: it's possible to override the defaults. Meaning the workflow can be configured to take advantage of the meta keys but if it isn't Alfred has defaults set for them.