Introduction: The release of LFRic version 1.1 has seen psykal_builtin_light module replaced by sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod,
which, at present, provides support for field_min_max and two other routines (pending Psyclone issue #489), but does
not include the copy_field invokes, which use similar parallelised methods, based on intrinsic Fortran precisions.
Field_min_max and copy_field are covered by LFRic tickets #4109 and #4024.
1.1/ Psykal_builtin_light_mod contained two new classes of invoke subroutines for field min_max and field copy operations,
optimised for parallel processing, utlilising only intrinsic iso Fortran numeric precisions. These are distinct from
similar functions based on science numeric classes (r_single, r_double, r_def, r_tran, r_solver).
1.2/ These new invoke functions, used in field_min_max_alg_mod and copy_field_alg_mod, are as follows:
where: [32, 64] are intrinsic iso Fortran real precisions
2.1/ In Core version 1.1, field_min_max invoke routines currently reside in sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod, with note that:
! This is a PSyKAl-lite implementation of a built-in that will be implemented
! under PSYclone issue #489. See that issue for further details.
2.2/ At present time there are no equivalent entries for copy_field invoke routines in sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod.f90
3.0/ PSYclone and structural similarities between field_minmax and field_copy
The field_minmax and field_copy code share much in common even though one returns two scalars and the other a whole
field: They both have very similar assumptions and stucture, use the same omp decorators, span the same loop
architecture, norms and numerical intrinsics. So I would suspect they would transform in Psyclone in similar fashion to
PSYclone issue #489.
Introduction: The release of LFRic version 1.1 has seen psykal_builtin_light module replaced by sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod, which, at present, provides support for field_min_max and two other routines (pending Psyclone issue #489), but does not include the copy_field invokes, which use similar parallelised methods, based on intrinsic Fortran precisions. Field_min_max and copy_field are covered by LFRic tickets #4109 and #4024.
1/ LFRic Core version 1.0
Ref: [log:LFRic/branches/dev/richardmalone/apps1.0_b6]
1.0/ The relevant modules are located at (apps1.0_b6):
1.1/ Psykal_builtin_light_mod contained two new classes of invoke subroutines for field min_max and field copy operations, optimised for parallel processing, utlilising only intrinsic iso Fortran numeric precisions. These are distinct from similar functions based on science numeric classes (r_single, r_double, r_def, r_tran, r_solver).
1.2/ These new invoke functions, used in field_min_max_alg_mod and copy_field_alg_mod, are as follows:
2/ LFRic Core version 1.1
Ref: [log:LFRic/branches/dev/richardmalone/core1.1_b6N]
2.0/ The relevant modules are located at (core1.1_b6N):
2.1/ In Core version 1.1, field_min_max invoke routines currently reside in sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod, with note that:
2.2/ At present time there are no equivalent entries for copy_field invoke routines in sci_psykal_builtin_light_mod.f90
3.0/ PSYclone and structural similarities between field_minmax and field_copy
The field_minmax and field_copy code share much in common even though one returns two scalars and the other a whole field: They both have very similar assumptions and stucture, use the same omp decorators, span the same loop architecture, norms and numerical intrinsics. So I would suspect they would transform in Psyclone in similar fashion to PSYclone issue #489.