stfc / rucio

Rucio - Scientific Data Management
Apache License 2.0
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Tests #25

Closed elichad closed 4 years ago

elichad commented 4 years ago

If these get too complex, we can add a specific Travis container for multi-VO testing.

patrick-austin commented 4 years ago

Have added a test for automatix to ensure that it only acts on the VO that it was run from (as it uses client level functions) and does not inject files at a second VO with the same RSE and scope name. The other "single VO" daemons that use the client (C3PO and sonar) have been deemed unused at development meetings and so don't need working on.

patrick-austin commented 4 years ago

It turns out that due to a bug in rsemanager.upload / the way automatix handles the return from it, the test of automatix will fail 1/4 times. This is not a m-VO issue, but given that there isn't a test of automatix in the main suite, it won't cause test failures there.