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Tests using ReplicaClient.list_replicas fail with multi-VO settings #28

Closed elichad closed 4 years ago

elichad commented 4 years ago

Some (but not all) existing tests that use ReplicaClient.list_replicas do not work properly when [common] multi_vo=True and [client] vo=tst. list_replicas should be returning some replicas, but the output is empty.

Check that internal/external representations are used correctly when calling list_replicas and also internally to the function.


In a multi-VO setup, the VO is added to the rse_expression when passing through to list_replicas, and then if rse_expression exists, the result is cached. This results in caching of results that wouldn't be cached in a single-VO setup, which causes test failures. Solved by not caching when the rse_expression contains only a vo.