stfc / rucio

Rucio - Scientific Data Management
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Python 3 DB initialisation fails due to VO table #29

Closed elichad closed 4 years ago

elichad commented 4 years ago

See rucio/#3480.

Test initialisation with other DB providers (only Oracle tried so far) to see if the issue is Oracle-specific.

Update: Issue also with Postgres.

elichad commented 4 years ago

Problem seems to be with convert_unicode parameter for sqlalchemy.String, specifically with the 'force' value. Changing it to True passes tests in Python 2, but currently unable to fully test Python 3 as struggling to create a working py3 test container. Waiting on Thomas to provide a py3 Rucio server container.

Note that convert_unicode is deprecated in sqlalchemy 1.3 and can be removed when Rucio support for python 2 is dropped.

elichad commented 4 years ago

Closed by #3599.