stfc2 / UI

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Messages & Shoutbox #12

Closed Caberhagen closed 8 years ago

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


Found a problem on shoutbox and messages. If the text have ä, ö and ü inside. The text are not showing. (not saved)

kirirur commented 9 years ago


if I recall correctly, this should be a server configuration problem, not a bug in the STFC code.

I've made a test on the following machine:

and you can see the result:


I'll made some other test on the other machine.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


have you set in apache2 a default charset?

kirirur commented 9 years ago


I'm using the default Apache configuration that comes with CentOS 6.6, however searching for charset in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I've found this directive:

 AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


i set now in /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset the default to UTF-8 And is working.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


after the fix i have som fault displayed portal news. - share DEINE Bilder

kirirur commented 9 years ago

Hmmm, this could be an issue of the support center code.

However, it's the only point where umlauts aren't displayed correctly?

Please check everywhere in the game (messages, ships, auction and so on), so we can address the bug completely.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

Ok i do it.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

Hi I see only in messages and shoutbox this problem. On logs and others is all ok.

kirirur commented 9 years ago

The shoutbox wasn't ok after you changed apache config?

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

On test with adddefaultcharset both are working. messages and shoutbox. but portals news, logs any many others have then problems.

kirirur commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I think the "bug" isn't in the shoutbox but in the other part of the code. Charset should be UTF-8, it's almost the standard now.

Update, this is hard to reproduce, on my machine:

everything works fine. I've tested characters with umlauts on:

without any problems.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

Is a strange thig. I found in a lot of files in meta charset iso but i look deeper in to it after all other stuff is full working.

kirirur commented 9 years ago

Do you mean in the HTML code generated by the game?

Let me know if changing it could solve the issue.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

You can see it on UI/index.php line 104. and many others have this setting. I make some work to track down this problem. but not the highest prioriti in the mom. feedback will come...

kirirur commented 9 years ago


I see, maybe it should be changed to UTF-8?

Besides I've found a couple a lines below another little bug, content language should be variable depending upon the language detected by the browser.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

Nice Picture!

kirirur commented 9 years ago


which race does show that characters?

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


Race are federation Ui lang is german.

kirirur commented 9 years ago


Federation? I was pretty sure all the umlauts where translated with the corresponding HTML code.

Update: I've made some research, I was remembering correctly: umlauts in federation race are all translated into HTML code. There is for sure a bug between lines 458-497 in module researchlabs.PHP when it try to truncate names longer then 18 chars.

kirirur commented 9 years ago


I should have found a solution, try to change line 465 in researchlabs.php from:




It should works as expected, let me know if it works for you.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


i found the way to use umlauts. On a open php5 system with no default charset config, php use the charset from the php files. so we have to change all the settings in the php files to utf-8 or set in php.ini to default utf-8.

kirirur commented 9 years ago


If you're running only STFC, probably the second solution is the easier. :) However I think umlauts should be translated in HTML counterparts.

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago


yes i using the php.ini way. but i look in to it to change the meta of the files to utf-8 if i have time...

kirirur commented 9 years ago


let me know any further development.

kirirur commented 8 years ago

Hello @Caberhagen can we consider closed this issue?

Thank you.