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custom image #10

Open Hopminonther opened 3 years ago

Hopminonther commented 3 years ago

Hi, when changing the custom image to use another language, and using this to deploy using the provided pipeline, the DSC deployment shows an error:

2020-09-28T09:17:57.2192573Z New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2193197Z Line | 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2193788Z  76 |  … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2201120Z  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2202011Z  | 09:17:57 - Resource 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2202765Z  | Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2203525Z  | 'QS-WVD-VM001/windowsDsc' failed with message '{ "status": 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2204266Z  | "Failed", "error": { "code": 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2205003Z  | "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message": "The resource 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2205784Z  | operation completed with terminal provisioning state 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2206516Z  | 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code": 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2207310Z  | "VMExtensionProvisioningError", "message": "VM has 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2208076Z  | reported a failure when processing extension 'windowsDsc'. 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2208821Z  | Error message: \"DSC Configuration 'AddSessionHost' completed 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2209605Z  | with error(s). Following are the first few: Importing module 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2210346Z  | MSFT_ScriptResource failed with error - Cannot find the 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2211092Z  | Windows PowerShell data file 'MSFT_ScriptResourceStrings.psd1' 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2211698Z  | in directory 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2213117Z  | 'C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\DscResources\MSFT_ScriptResource\nl-NL\', or in any parent culture directories.\"\r\n\r\nMore information on troubleshooting is available at " } ] } }' 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2214188Z  2020-09-28T09:17:57.2352018Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'. 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2367156Z ## Script Execution Complete 2020-09-28T09:17:57.2369628Z ##[section]Finishing: Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [rg-WVD-CUR] via [WVDServiceConnection]

justin-shiah commented 3 years ago

@Hopminonther Are you still facing this issue?