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Deployment in EU region fail #21

Open tempdemotemp opened 3 years ago

tempdemotemp commented 3 years ago

Deployment fails because of westeurope region. It tries to put metadata to the same deployment region, but actually it's available only in several US regions yet.

2020-12-06 02_29_25-Pipelines - Run WVD Deployment logs and 7 more pages -  InPrivate  - Microsoft​
tempdemotemp commented 3 years ago

It's this pipeline job: Deploy module [WvdHostPools] in [wvd-azuread] via [WVDServiceConnection]

paulobrienlucidity commented 3 years ago

I am also getting the same issue running in Australia East on a brand new trial subscription.

I have been advised by our MS contact that V2 ARM is definitely available in Australia region, but this message would suggest a similar issue to above? Or is this possibly just an issue deploying the metadata cache (which we know has to be in the US)?

monkeytreehosting commented 3 years ago


I'm getting the same error when trying to deploy to UKSOUTH.

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 Line | 76 | … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | 13:36:04 - Error: Code=LocationNotAvailableForResourceType; | Message=The provided location 'uksouth' is not available for | resource type 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools'. | List of available regions for the resource type is | 'eastus,eastus2,westus,westus2,northcentralus,southcentralus,westcentralus,centralus'.

[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.

Script Execution Complete

Finishing: Deploy module [WvdHostPools] in [WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection]

I have manually deployed to this region multiple times before - where is this availability list reference from? Can this be updated please?

monkeytreehosting commented 3 years ago

To let you know, I have resolved this by utilising the fork from @takeokams , however I have now been stumped by the "dummy" storage account issue mentioned in another issue raised a few days ago

monkeytreehosting commented 3 years ago

To clarify, the issue here is that the Metadata for a HostPool has to be placed within those locations specified, however the hostpool itself and the session hosts can be placed anywhere (as we've all mentioned above)

To resolve this, takeokams has replaced all the references to "location" with "westus2" however I'm sure you could use any of the listed locations.