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Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access #4

Closed NextpointBelgium closed 3 years ago

NextpointBelgium commented 4 years ago


I'm running stuck during the first run. Have disabled, CA policies, Identity Protection and revoked al authentication token and tried 2 subscription admin accounts. Every time the same error message. Executing completely empty subscription.

Any advise?

========== Connect-AzAccount : AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access '797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013'. Trace ID: 68ea69c4-9700-46ef-991b-c398615b8300 Correlation ID: 9373f28a-8e7b-4b99-9101-054e96774b03 Timestamp: 2020-08-20 20:06:22Z At line:51 char:1 + Connect-AzAccount -Environment 'AzureCloud' -Credential $AzCredential ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Connect-AzAccount], AdalClaimChallengeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.ConnectAzureRmAccountCommand

elect-AzSubscription : Run Connect-AzAccount to login. At line:52 char:1 + Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Set-AzContext], PSInvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.SetAzureRMContextCommand

Time Type Details 8/20/2020, 10:06:22 PM Error AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access '797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013'. Trace ID: 68ea69c4-9700-46ef-991b-c398615b8300 Correlation ID: 9373f28a-8e7b-4b99-9101-054e96774b03 Timestamp: 2020-08-20 20:06:22Z 8/20/2020, 10:06:23 PM Error Run Connect-AzAccount to login. 8/20/2020, 10:06:24 PM Error Please authenticate to Azure & Azure AD using Login-AzAccount and Connect-AzureAD cmdlets and then run this script

samvdjagt commented 4 years ago

The solution doesn't work with accounts that have multi-factor authentication (MFA). The failure seems to indicate that MFA is still enabled for your account, as the deployment cannot authenticate with your account successfully.

MikkoArrow commented 4 years ago

Disable Security Defaults from your Azure AD tenant.

NextpointBelgium commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help. But it's disabled already. Disable all security settings and it still fails unfortunately

justin-shiah commented 3 years ago

@NextpointBelgium Were you ever able to resolve this?

NextpointBelgium commented 3 years ago

@NextpointBelgium Were you ever able to resolve this?

I think so. User MFA was enabled I found out. Probably this was causing issues.

NextpointBelgium commented 3 years ago

@NextpointBelgium Were you ever able to resolve this?

I think so. User MFA was enabled I found out. Probably this was causing issues.

Everything so far so good till wvd host pool deployment failed on region. :(

Deploy module [WvdHostPools] in [WE_WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection]

2020-10-26 21_27_44-Pipelines - Run WVD Deployment logs and 3 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

justin-shiah commented 3 years ago

@NextpointBelgium Unfortunately we currently only support those regions specified in the error message.