stgeorgi / wvdquickstart

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Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection] #6

Open peakers76 opened 3 years ago

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

VERBOSE: Deploy to resource group 'WVD' VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload VERBOSE: received 66423-byte response of content type text/plain VERBOSE: Content encoding: utf-8 VERBOSE: Evaluating schema [] VERBOSE: Handling resource group level deployment VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "WVD". New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 Line | 76 | … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | 01:38:52 - Error: Code=InvalidTemplate; Message=Deployment | template validation failed: 'Template parameter JToken type is | not valid. Expected 'String, Uri'. Actual 'Object'. Please see | for usage | details.'.

[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.

Script Execution Complete

Finishing: Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection]

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

Can you please look at the dev ops pipeline and share the error from there?

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

This is the raw error from the pipeline

2020-09-16T01:38:32.0445948Z ##[section]Starting: Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection] 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0456226Z ============================================================================== 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0456904Z Task : Azure PowerShell 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0457375Z Description : Run a PowerShell script within an Azure environment 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0457629Z Version : 4.173.1 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0458032Z Author : Microsoft Corporation 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0458308Z Help : 2020-09-16T01:38:32.0458814Z ============================================================================== 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2813030Z ## Validating Inputs 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2920975Z ## Validating Inputs Complete 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2921225Z ## Initializing Az module 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2941026Z Generating script. 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2953153Z ## Az module initialization Complete 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2953840Z ## Beginning Script Execution 2020-09-16T01:38:32.2986119Z [command]/usr/bin/pwsh -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command . '/home/vsts/work/_temp/6714fcf2-99f4-42ee-8e72-0f6803c86981.ps1' 2020-09-16T01:38:34.8153967Z ##[command]Import-Module -Name /usr/share/az_4.6.0/Az.Accounts/1.9.3/Az.Accounts.psd1 -Global 2020-09-16T01:38:36.9657373Z ##[command]Clear-AzContext -Scope Process 2020-09-16T01:38:37.8711509Z ##[command]Clear-AzContext -Scope CurrentUser -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 2020-09-16T01:38:40.1356050Z ##[command]Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Environment AzureCloud @processScope 2020-09-16T01:38:42.7453759Z ##[command] Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId f0a97fe2-4495-457d-a71c-908aab2e2678 -TenantId 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4696371Z VERBOSE: Load function 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4762439Z VERBOSE: Invoke task with 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4807579Z VERBOSE: PARAMETER: 'location' with value 'australiaeast' 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4809571Z VERBOSE: PARAMETER: 'parameterFilePath' with value '/home/vsts/work/1/parameters/wvdsessionhost.parameters.json' 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4811427Z VERBOSE: PARAMETER: 'moduleName' with value 'VirtualMachines' 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4813805Z VERBOSE: PARAMETER: 'moduleVersion' with value '2020-06-02' 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4815795Z VERBOSE: PARAMETER: 'resourcegroupName' with value 'WVD' 2020-09-16T01:38:43.4817603Z VERBOSE: Fetch and populated pipeline outputs 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5494920Z VERBOSE: Using published image ref [{ 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5495657Z "version": "latest", 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5496613Z "sku": "20h1-evd-o365pp", 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5497269Z "offer": "office-365", 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5497778Z "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop" 2020-09-16T01:38:45.5498149Z }] 2020-09-16T01:38:48.2389281Z VERBOSE: Parameters are 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3181790Z VERBOSE: 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3182668Z Name Value 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3183892Z ---- ----- 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3205344Z vmNumberOfInstances 2 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3206031Z lockForDeletion False 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3206439Z availabilitySetName
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3206852Z subnetId subscriptions/f... 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3207272Z domainJoinUser svc_domainjoine 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3207929Z domainJoinPassword
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3208306Z vmInitialNumber 1 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3209309Z windowsScriptExtensionFileData {@{uri=… 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3210365Z vmSize Standard_D2s_v3 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3211025Z vmNamePrefix QS-WVD-VM 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3211809Z diagnosticLogsRetentionInDays 365 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3212240Z dscConfiguration @{settings=; protectedSettings=} 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3212665Z tags
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3213005Z diagnosticStorageAccountId
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3214192Z osDisk @{createOption=fromImage; diskSizeGB=128; managedDisk=} 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3214658Z eventHubName
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3215477Z imageReference @{id=; publisher=MicrosoftWindowsDesktop; offer=office-365; sku=2… 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3216107Z domainName 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3216487Z domainJoinOU
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3217292Z eventHubAuthorizationRuleId
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3217633Z adminPassword
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3218009Z workspaceId
2020-09-16T01:38:48.3218379Z adminUsername svc_domainjoine 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3218853Z enablePublicIP False 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3219129Z 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3219350Z 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3219673Z VERBOSE: Additional Parameters are 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3220327Z VERBOSE: 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3220848Z Name Value 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3221420Z ---- ----- 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3222183Z windowsScriptExtensionCommand… System.Security.SecureString 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3222666Z imageReference {version, sku, offer, publisher} 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3223010Z 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3223416Z 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3223944Z VERBOSE: Deploy to resource group 'WVD' 2020-09-16T01:38:48.3270227Z VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload 2020-09-16T01:38:48.5248279Z VERBOSE: received 66423-byte response of content type text/plain 2020-09-16T01:38:48.5488032Z VERBOSE: Content encoding: utf-8 2020-09-16T01:38:48.5556236Z VERBOSE: Evaluating schema [] 2020-09-16T01:38:48.5564936Z VERBOSE: Handling resource group level deployment 2020-09-16T01:38:49.7561161Z VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "WVD". 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0745612Z New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0746767Z Line | 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0747560Z  76 |  … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0748441Z  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0749294Z  | 01:38:52 - Error: Code=InvalidTemplate; Message=Deployment 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0750256Z  | template validation failed: 'Template parameter JToken type is 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0751689Z  | not valid. Expected 'String, Uri'. Actual 'Object'. Please see 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0752604Z  | for usage 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0753061Z  | details.'. 2020-09-16T01:38:53.0753342Z  2020-09-16T01:38:53.0999572Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'. 2020-09-16T01:38:53.1027048Z ## Script Execution Complete 2020-09-16T01:38:53.1063381Z ##[section]Finishing: Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [WVD] via [WVDServiceConnection]

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

It seems the wvdquickstart was cloned to a a different repo (this comes from JToken being incorrect).

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

The pipeline initially runs and then fails due to the location define when filling in the ARM template "australiaeast" i updated the two files appliedParameters.psd1 and variables.yml to use the location to eastus, commit the changes.

rerun the original pipeline to import the new parameters and thats when i recieve this error above.

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

Please let me clarify. It seems like the WVDquikcstart repo was cloned into a new location and ran from there (what I call a new location, not a region)?

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

no not a new region for the repo, i didnt clone it i simply changed those two parameter files to change the location value which was previously set to australiaeast to the new value of eastus.

australiaeast was not supported when trying to deploy the hostpool, changing those values resolves that problem but then creates a new issue when creating the virtualmachines.

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for clarifying. Did you update both Appliedparameters.psd1 and Variables.yml

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

That's correct both files were updated with the location

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

So you cloned the repo and you update the two files and run it again then error? or you run the wvdquickstart to create the dev ops pipeline and then modifine the pipeline and run it?

The later should work.

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

run the wvdquickstart to create the dev ops pipeline and then modify the two parameter files with the location value and run the original pipeline again.

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

did you by also change the name of the RG where the WVD resource are to be deployed? if I update the location and the RG name it worked ion my lab enviornment

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

No, I didn't, I guess the location of the resource group being "AustraliaEast" could have an impact?

What i was wanting to achieve is to have all virtual hosts be deployed in australiaeast which is possible when setting up using the manual approach, the host pool and the application group need to be in one of the supported regions such as "eastus" is this possible with the quickstart template?

Thank you for the assistance

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

So we have been doing some investigation on this and we are able to repro this issue please stay tuned.

peakers76 commented 3 years ago

Great thank you for the update

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

It was reported that the latest version of Azure PowerShell v.4.7.0 breaks the deployment. Adding/modifying the following lines to the Deploy_WVDSessionHosts and Deploy_Workspace tasks of pipeline.yml file worked for me.

azurePowerShellVersion: OtherVersion preferredAzurePowerShellVersion: 3.5.0

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

@peakers76 can you try deploying again I think I fixed the error

peakers1976 commented 3 years ago

@stgeorgi i will give it a test and let you know the results, thanks

Jasongayle commented 3 years ago

@stgeorgi I got the same error too as @peakers1976. I your step to change the Azure powerShell in the pipeline.yml but no go for me.

Jasongayle commented 3 years ago

2020-09-29T23:37:50.0767625Z New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0768756Z Line | 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0769531Z  76 |  … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0770401Z  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0771467Z  | 23:37:49 - Resource 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0772195Z  | Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0772987Z  | 'QS-WVD-VM002/DomainJoin' failed with message '{ "status": 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0773759Z  | "Failed", "error": { "code": 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0774536Z  | "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message": "The resource 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0775286Z  | operation completed with terminal provisioning state 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0776050Z  | 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code": 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0776842Z  | "VMExtensionProvisioningError", "message": "VM has 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0777631Z  | reported a failure when processing extension 'DomainJoin'. 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0778381Z  | Error message: \"Exception(s) occured while joining Domain 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0779139Z  | ''\"\r\n\r\nMore information on 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0780439Z  | troubleshooting is available at 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0781268Z  | " } ] 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0781898Z  | } }' 2020-09-29T23:37:50.0782393Z  2020-09-29T23:37:50.0985050Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'. 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1006736Z ## Script Execution Complete 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1009945Z ##[section]Finishing: Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [cloudpossibleRG] via [WVDServiceConnection] 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1043367Z ##[section]Starting: Checkout WVDQuickStartProj174110Z@master to s 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1050090Z ============================================================================== 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1050441Z Task : Get sources 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1050813Z Description : Get sources from a repository. Supports Git, TfsVC, and SVN repositories. 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1051159Z Version : 1.0.0 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1051407Z Author : Microsoft 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1051771Z Help : More Information 2020-09-29T23:37:50.1052194Z ============================================================================== 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5005745Z Cleaning any cached credential from repository: WVDQuickStartProj174110Z (Git) 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5057014Z ##[section]Finishing: Checkout WVDQuickStartProj174110Z@master to s 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5124721Z ##[section]Starting: Finalize Job 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5163662Z Cleaning up task key 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5165546Z Start cleaning up orphan processes. 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5465683Z ##[section]Finishing: Finalize Job 2020-09-29T23:37:50.5511195Z ##[section]Finishing: Deploy_WVDSessionHosts

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

I committed some change about 2-3 hours ago to fix the issue. It seems to work fine if using Azure AD DS. With AD there is still a bug where the script for doing Azure files times out. If you have Azure AD DS and that is what you are testing please try again. If not stay tuned. Working on a fix.

frehnejc commented 3 years ago

I too am trying to deploy the Session Hosts to another region outside of the supported regions of the HostPools but not having success. Is there a possible workaround?

stgeorgi commented 3 years ago

@frehnejc if the AD DS (domain controller) is in a different region you will need to setup a VNET and pier it to the VNET where the AD DS is.

paulobrienlucidity commented 3 years ago

i too am having this deploying in australia east. Have been advised the metastore component must be in the US, but servers can def be in Aus. Is there a tweak to the script to allow this behaviour?

BenWilliamsLuc commented 3 years ago

Hi @stgeorgi,

I'm getting an error on the same Deploy module, but on the storage account name.

It seems be taking the default of "Dummy" instead of the actual storage account name.

2021-01-20T23:27:38.2527084Z VERBOSE: Deploy to resource group 'WVD-BW-TEST' 2021-01-20T23:27:38.2574952Z VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload 2021-01-20T23:27:38.3931356Z VERBOSE: received 66171-byte response of content type text/plain 2021-01-20T23:27:38.3999967Z VERBOSE: Content encoding: utf-8 2021-01-20T23:27:38.4336009Z VERBOSE: Evaluating schema [] 2021-01-20T23:27:38.4345701Z VERBOSE: Handling resource group level deployment 2021-01-20T23:27:42.1769660Z VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "WVD-BW-TEST". 2021-01-20T23:27:47.6353147Z VERBOSE: 23:27:47 - Template is valid. 2021-01-20T23:27:49.8620891Z VERBOSE: 23:27:49 - Create template deployment 'VirtualMachines-WVD-QuickStart-Deployment' 2021-01-20T23:27:49.8633453Z VERBOSE: 23:27:49 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:27:55.1608718Z VERBOSE: 23:27:55 - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'QS-WVD-VM001-nic-int-01' provisioning status is succeeded 2021-01-20T23:27:55.1610257Z VERBOSE: 23:27:55 - Resource Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces 'QS-WVD-VM002-nic-int-01' provisioning status is succeeded 2021-01-20T23:27:55.1611143Z VERBOSE: 23:27:55 - Resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 'assets0120t214840z' provisioning status is succeeded 2021-01-20T23:27:55.3309622Z VERBOSE: 23:27:55 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:00.7799119Z VERBOSE: 23:28:00 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:06.2257820Z VERBOSE: 23:28:06 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:11.6808317Z VERBOSE: 23:28:11 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:17.1243209Z VERBOSE: 23:28:17 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:22.5716043Z VERBOSE: 23:28:22 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:28.4394720Z VERBOSE: 23:28:28 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:33.4661776Z VERBOSE: 23:28:33 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:38.9130193Z VERBOSE: 23:28:38 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:44.3595757Z VERBOSE: 23:28:44 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:49.8060958Z VERBOSE: 23:28:49 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:28:55.2527521Z VERBOSE: 23:28:55 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:29:00.7492797Z VERBOSE: 23:29:00 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2431298Z New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: /home/vsts/work/1/s/SharedDeploymentFunctions/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1:76 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2433388Z Line | 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2434380Z  76 |  … eployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @DeploymentInputs -Resource … 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2436170Z  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2437086Z  | 23:29:06 - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2437990Z  | 'QS-WVD-VM002' failed with message '{ "error": { "code": 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2439353Z  | "StorageAccountSubscriptionMismatch", "message": "Storage 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2440384Z  | account 'dummy' doesn't belong to subscription 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2441263Z  | 41cf0df9-6667-4af6-9e56-ef979dd36607. Storage accounts need to 2021-01-20T23:29:06.2442127Z  | be in the same subscription as that of the VM." } }'

It seems to be at the same spot - This is using the WVD quick start button from here

I tried this on two brand new AAD tenants - So I'm not sure what is wrong with the template for the storage account name to be pulled through as "Default\Dummy"

monkeytreehosting commented 3 years ago

@BenWilliamsLuc This issue looks the same as ours from this issue post:

I'd keep an eye on there