sthnaqvi / explorer

Ethererum Blockchain Explorer to show the details of the blocks and transactions via web3- Realtime Price Ticker, etc.
MIT License
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Convert Data from Hex to String #15

Open tommycp3 opened 3 years ago

tommycp3 commented 3 years ago

Convert data in transaction from Hex to String as in this example.

Here is a transaction:

Can we have it presented as a string? 0x1fb82d260000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004030616132333731383634633032383034656135353139346636653038613433343132306334393766323338356665313637646432613666383033353166323338


Converts the Hex Data to:

?¸-& @0aa2371864c02804ea55194f6e08a434120c497f2385fe167dd2a6f80351f238

Try for yourself.

Thanks, photo_2021-02-27 12 08 17 photo_2021-02-27 12 08 13