sthuber90 / mmm-amazon-photos

Magic Mirror Module to get Amazon Photos as background images
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Slide Show does not work #4

Open KonstantinDenishev opened 2 years ago

KonstantinDenishev commented 2 years ago

Hi There,

The module does not seem to want to slide show pictures in my shared album....

This is my config:

{ module: 'mmm-amazon-photos', // position is important position: 'fullscreen_below', config: { slideshowSpeed: 60 * 60 * 1000, imageUrls: [''] // see below for configurable options }, },

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance


sthuber90 commented 2 years ago

Is there any information in the logs that would help in debugging the issue? Where are you accessing your Magic Mirror? Have you looked into the developer tools of your browser? Because there you should see something like this, which will trigger the reload once its due. Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-09 um 17 18 50

KonstantinDenishev commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

This is what I can find in the developer tools: image

I am accessing Magic Mirror through a VNC viewer.

Not sure where I can locate the logs?

sthuber90 commented 2 years ago

Do you run MM in docker? Then you can get the logs through docker logs <container-name> and check if there's more info on the module. Have you tried setting the refresh interval to something lower and watched what happens in the browser console?

JokingII commented 1 year ago


I seem to have ran into a similar issue with the module. Whenever I try to run MagicMirror it would display the first photo but not display the rest.

I am pretty new to all of this so I'm not really sure where to start in terms of debugging but here is what my log looks like:

`thebox@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm run start

magicmirror@2.19.0 start DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js

[08.07.2022 20:53.42.953] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.19.0 [08.07.2022 20:53.42.969] [LOG] Loading config ... [08.07.2022 20:53.42.984] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [08.07.2022 20:53.42.992] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert. [08.07.2022 20:53.43.049] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [08.07.2022 20:53.43.053] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification [08.07.2022 20:53.43.057] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [08.07.2022 20:53.43.215] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [08.07.2022 20:53.43.219] [LOG] Module helper loaded: mmm-amazon-photos [08.07.2022 20:53.43.222] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [08.07.2022 20:53.43.581] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [08.07.2022 20:53.43.638] [LOG] Server started ... [08.07.2022 20:53.43.642] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification [08.07.2022 20:53.43.647] [LOG] Starting module helper: updatenotification [08.07.2022 20:53.43.649] [LOG] Connecting socket for: mmm-amazon-photos [08.07.2022 20:53.43.651] [LOG] Starting module helper: mmm-amazon-photos [08.07.2022 20:53.43.654] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [08.07.2022 20:53.44.143] [LOG] Launching application. [4673:0708/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [4718:0708/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [08.07.2022 20:53.50.533] [LOG] Now: 1657338830529, mtime: 1657337833826, slideshow speed: 10000, comparison: false [08.07.2022 20:53.50.546] [INFO] Checking git for module: mmm-amazon-photos [08.07.2022 20:53.50.607] [INFO] Checking git for module: default [08.07.2022 20:53.56.089] [LOG] Get photo from Us. :) docker[08.07.2022 20:54.11.338] [LOG] Now: 1657338851337, mtime: 1657338841292, slideshow speed: 10000, comparison: `

Thank you very much in advance.

sthuber90 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @JokingII is this your full log? are you saying that after 10 seconds there is no "Get photo" logged?

nod commented 1 year ago

@sthuber90 I'm seeing the same issue. I only see one "Get photo" no matter how long I wait or how long I set the slideshowSpeed to.

sthuber90 commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, I don't have time right now to dive into this issue but feel free to checkout/fork the repository and create a PR. Testing of modules seems pretty limited for MM :(