stianh / gradle-jaxb-plugin

Gradle plugin for generating jaxb classes.
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Questions about the "Usage" section #24

Closed jvsrvcs closed 10 years ago

jvsrvcs commented 10 years ago

I am looking at the Usage section and there is this snipped of code:

dependencies { jaxb 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.2.4-1' }

I typically see gradle build files that have lines that begin with 'compile group' or 'testCompile group:'

What does beginning the line with 'jaxb' do, should this not simply be 'compile'?

If you look at this URL section 8.3, and 8.4. I am trying to understand the Usage section in detail.

stigkj commented 10 years ago

Sorry for taking this long to answer, but we are not maintaining this plugin anymore. You should look at jacobono's alternative instead.