stianh / gradle-jaxb-plugin

Gradle plugin for generating jaxb classes.
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Issue #6 plus eclipse plugin #8

Closed mraccola closed 12 years ago

mraccola commented 12 years ago

I applied the eclipse plugin so eclipse meta-data files can be generated for the project for those developers who might like to use eclipse to make changes to the project. I added the generated eclipse files to .gitignore so they don't get inadvertently committed.

I committed a fix for Issue #6.

I add the .gradle/ folder and /build/ folder to .gitignore.

stigkj commented 12 years ago

I do not like adding IDE-stuff into the build, as then we would need to add for each IDE. Just put this developer-specific stuff into a 'home dir'/.gradle/init.gradle instead.

If you could make a new pull request without this, I will accept it :-)

stigkj commented 12 years ago

Sorry...another thing. We are using the git-flow branching model, so all work is done in the develop branch. This means we only accept pull request against that branch.