stianh / gradle-release-plugin

Gradle plugin for automated release management.
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Deriving release version from tags + 1 #31

Open ari opened 12 years ago

ari commented 12 years ago

One part of this plugin which doesn't work for us is the way in which it always derives the next version from the existing tags. We can override the closure and give it some functionality of our own, but I want this to work completely differently. That is, more like the maven release process with the version provided as a parameter by the user.

gradle releasePrepare -DreleaseVersion=4.0

If I engineered this kind of change (still keeping your option to derive from tags), would you accept such patches or would I be better keeping my own fork of this plugin?

stigkj commented 12 years ago

Would overriding the closure with code that takes the next version from a system property work for you? Or that could be moved into the default closure inside the plugin, so that whenever the system property is set, use that, otherwise derive from tags?

ari commented 12 years ago

Yes, something like that would work. This is an easy feature to implement, and I think it belongs inside the plugin. Many people might like it to work the way I do (if they release a product with publicly visible versions)