stianh / gradle-release-plugin

Gradle plugin for automated release management.
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Option to set the initial version "number" on current branch #4

Closed stigkj closed 12 years ago

stigkj commented 13 years ago

Not having migrated our workflow properly to the "git way", we are "moving" a version of the codebase between different branches. Example: master --> RELEASE --> PRODFIX

With this setup, it is hard to track a version with this plugin creating versions "numbers" based on the branch name and an increasing number.

Not sure what would be the correct way to do this; maybe have a property that can be set on the command line for an initial version "number" on the branch?

stigkj commented 12 years ago

Use the gradle -P (--project-prop) option to set a new initial version on current branch.

stigkj commented 12 years ago

Fixed by 2b417df008d5447d354e1f59a6297187304dc2a2.