stianlagstad / chimeraviz

chimeraviz is an R package that automates the creation of chimeric RNA visualizations.
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Cobine the differnt fusion results #1

Closed KeyTals closed 7 years ago

KeyTals commented 7 years ago

Hi Stian,

Is it possible to combine the results of different fusion software in chimraviz then generate just one The fusion report report.

i.e. if i ran two fusion software (Ericscript and Fusion catcher), i can import these using the importEricscript() and importFusioncatcher() but i would like to combine these tow objects first then create the html fusion report.

Thanks, Keyur

stianlagstad commented 7 years ago

I'm terribly sorry for my late response - I had turned off email notifications here.

Since the import functions returns lists of Fusion objects, you can combine the lists and create a report from the combined list. Like this:

# Import Fusioncatcher fusions
fusioncatcher833ke <- system.file(
  package = "chimeraviz")
fusioncatcherFusions <- importFusioncatcher(fusioncatcher833ke, "hg38", 3)

# Import Ericscript fusions
ericscriptData <- system.file(
  package = "chimeraviz")
ericscriptFusions <- importEricscript(ericscriptData, "hg19", 3)

# Combine lists
allFusions <- c(fusioncatcherFusions, ericscriptFusions)

# Create report
createFusionReport(allFusions, "test.html")
stianlagstad commented 7 years ago

Closing this. Let me know if you have any issues :)