stianlagstad / chimeraviz

chimeraviz is an R package that automates the creation of chimeric RNA visualizations.
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object 'alTrackHighlightB' not found #12

Closed OvoiDs closed 6 years ago

OvoiDs commented 6 years ago

Fetching transcripts for gene partners.. ..transcripts fetched. Selecting transcripts for B3GNT6.. ..found transcripts of type intergenic Selecting transcripts for INCA1.. ..found transcripts of type intergenic As INCA1 is on the minus strand, the plot for this gene will be reversed Error in Gviz::plotTracks(collapse = FALSE, list(trBtrack, alTrackHighlightB), : object 'alTrackHighlightB' not found Calls: plotTranscripts ->

        collapse = FALSE, # without this gviz create cluster_X entries in the GeneRegionTrack
        list(grTrackHighlightB, alTrackHighlightB),
        sizes = c(5, 2),
        add = TRUE,
        margin = 3,
        innerMargin = 0,
        # Plot reverse if gene is at minus strand
        reverseStrand = geneBatMinusStrand)
    } else {
        collapse = FALSE, # without this gviz create cluster_X entries in the GeneRegionTrack
        list(trBtrack, alTrack), <<<<<<<<< here is the stuff
        sizes = c(5, 2),
        add = TRUE,
        margin = 3,
        innerMargin = 0,
        # Plot reverse if gene is at minus strand
        reverseStrand = geneBatMinusStrand)
stianlagstad commented 6 years ago

Thank you. I just pushed the commits to fix this in the devel branch. Unfortunately the 3.5 branch has been closed due to the 3.6 release happening in a few days, so I was not able to fix it there.