stianlagstad / chimeraviz

chimeraviz is an R package that automates the creation of chimeric RNA visualizations.
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switch to checkmate #90

Closed nutterb closed 3 years ago

nutterb commented 3 years ago

Hello, Mr. Lagstad,

I recently received an e-mail from CRAN that the package ArgumentCheck would be removed from CRAN in May if there were not some revisions made to the package. Unfortunately, I lack the time to continue the maintenance on ArgumentCheck, and there are packages available that do the job better anyway. I plan to allow ArgumentCheck to be removed and am recommending you change chimeraviz to use the checkmate package. This pull request makes what, I believe, are the necessary changes to implement checkmate


stianlagstad commented 3 years ago

Hi @nutterb ! That's very kind of you not only to give me a notice but to take the time to update chimeraviz for me - thank you very very much! I'll look at the PR as soon as I'm able (hopefully sometime this weekend).

nutterb commented 3 years ago

You're very welcome. I should mention that I haven't actually conducted any testing of what I wrote. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to reach out. I'd feel bad leaving you scrambling to understand a new package on a short deadline.

stianlagstad commented 3 years ago

Closing in favor of